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Welcome 💜💜 gotta wish y'all happy Valentine with update 😏

Ten feet close to him :six feet down deep hole , he is mine and do I also remember to mention he is mine ?.

"So---". Taehyung drag his words side eyeing jimin who was biting his lips nervously and the pretty male can already guess he have got some tea to take a sip from , the two roommates are currently walking in the hallway leading their way out of the university since their classes for the day has come to an end .well jimin was done one hour before taehyung but end up waiting for his roommate/bestfriend.

"Nothing he just said he likes me and I told him I'll think about it ,I don't know Taehyung do you think he's after me because of my body?".jimin pause abruptly and turn to stare at Taehyung who gave him a blank look , the pretty male really have to try hard to resist the words that almost left his lips when he sees jimin was indeed in delimma with the situation.

"Bestfriend, if you like him then go for it .you'll never know until you try and don't try to judge him because he's friend with Jungkook , Jungkook have thousands of personal in him but he only show the world what he wants them to see .yoongi hyung doesn't even seem like someone that'll want you for your body , mine and daddy might have started on that but trust me when I said we are more than that now". Taehyung has been having his suspicious with why jimin has been trying his possible best avoid yoongi at all cost but then he guess the boy might have thought the older male was approaching him to have the same relationship he had with Jungkook back then .

Yeah 'had' , he's more than a bed warmer now .

"I- it's not about that".jimin mumble as he continues walking ahead with Taehyung right by his side and the said male just shrugged not commenting on the words again .

"Do you want to come along with me to daddy's company? And oh your future boyfriend works there too". Taehyung turn to jimin with a smirk but wince slightly when his roommate smack his head with an eye roll , jimin is damn cute while flustered.

"No".the dance student reject and was about to head towards the dorm when he was drag by Taehyung who give him the look he understands very much , the look that says 'i am not giving you options mate' .damn how can he forget how annoying this boy is ?.

Jimin was staring around in awed as they walk out of the elevator that leads to Jungkook's floor which is located at the top floor , the dance student find it hard to believe such building can be own by someone like Jungkook .isn't he too young to achieved so much ?.

"My jaw was met with floor the first time I enter here and with my outfit that day ? I look like a total trash". Tash chuckle and jimin was indeed glad he had get the T-shirt and pant he was wearing from yoongi closet earlier that day or he might as well have look like trash inside the building , life is hard but some people are just blessed . Jungkook is one .

"If you're amused by his company then you should see his house jimin , but I don't have to say much because you might have been to yoongi's hyung last night". Taehyung commented and jimin nod along , he was indeed left in shocked when yoongi has pulled up infront of his house telling him to spend the night in his house because he believed Jungkook and Taehyung might ruin his ear innocent if he stay inside the dorm with them .

The guest room that appoint to him is bigger than their dorm combined with their kitchen and bathroom , he knows indeed some people are God's favorite.

They finally stop infront of the door which jimin assumed might be Jungkook's with sudden smile that break into Taehyung's face , this dummy boy .

"Daddy baby is---". Taehyung call loudly pushing the older's office door open only to have the rest of his words linger on his tongue when he take the scene infront of him , jimin also look shocked and his impression match Jungkook's own .the CEO quickly stand up stepping away from the lady that was standing to close to him .

"Here".the pretty male trail off entering the room right follow by jimin who close the door behind him staying still as Taehyung take slow steps towards Jungkook who gulp slightly , God.

"U-hm doll this isn't exactly what you're thinking , she was the one that was trying to touch me babydoll".jimin doesn't really know a day will come that he'll have to watch the famous rich man becoming a stuttering mess infront of Taehyung, maybe his bestfriend was right after all .maybe he has indeed find his way to this man heart unapologetically , Taehyung is right .

"And you were a dummy who couldn't tell her not to touch you ? and you said this isn't what I am thinking then tell me what you think I was thinking Jeon Jungkook". Taehyung roll his eyes when Jungkook went silent instantly and he finally turn his gaze towards the lady who was still standing there looking at everyone confusedly, well the situation is confused enough.

"You touch him ?".with his each steps Taehyung tool forward, the girl can't help but to take double backward .the pretty male seem like a predator and she sure knows she's his prey at the moment.

Taehyung almost jump on the girl if he wasn't caught Midway by Jungkook who carry the boy up worriedly , he has saw Taehyung hit hansung in cameras and he sure know the girl will end up in hospital if his babydoll datey hit her , he should've known getting a female PA is wrong even with many situations of them seducing their boss which the girl has tried to do today by leaning too much closer to him while she was just showing him some files and devil took the opportunity.

And Taehyung just happened to arrive at the same time , he panic for a moment that the pretty male might use it as an excuse to terminate their contract .I mean he still have his Charles , right ?.

"Calm down baby doll , she didn't even touch me yet".he murmured but shut up when Taehyung turn to give him a deadly glare before he starts struggling to get himself out of Jungkook's grip again , while the girl make a run for the door .

"Jimin fucking smack her head against the wall for me !".the pretty male yell out but jimin just ignore him as he allow the girl to free out knowing damn well his so called friend will be leaving that girl wishing for a life rewind for days .

"Let me go bitch , your little slut has escape right ? You helped her escape! Bitch better make sure to leave this company because ten step closer to him next time will leave you six feet deep down because he is fucking mine you little stinky waste of product slut !".even jimin flinch from the sudden loud voice of his bestfriend, he sure knows everyone in the building will hear the boy's voice if Jungkook's office soundproof is currently off .

God , how did he meet this dramatic of a human again ?.

"She'll definitely leave doll ,calm down-". Jungkook pause when his office door was pushed open again and a worried yoongi peek inside only to have his face mobbed into confusion when he sees Tae struggling in Jungkook's hold and jimin who was unlucky enough to be witness whatever shit is going on with the two male .

"Can I come you your office? I think whatever is happening here will lead to something I won't definitely like".jimin said quickly and yoongi nod absentmindedly motioning jimin to follow him and throw last glance at Jungkook and Taehyung before closing the door back .


"Fuck off cheater".Tae Mumble finally slipping out off Jungkook's hold and the older male sighs .

"It's not like that ,you're getting it wrong".

"Blah blah , cheaters rants , taetae doesn't wanna listen , taetae too pretty to be disturb by cheater rants".the pretty male sing song walking ahead to sits on Jungkook's seat totally ignoring the owner of the office .

Jungkook rub his nape tiredly , why is he stuck with a drama queen/king ?.


Tag raerae_bibliophile if you want smut in next part 👀🥴 ( hubby let's write smut today 🕴🏻🕴🏻🕴🏻).

Sorry for mistake

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