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Independent doll : just mood swings

Yoongi smiles softly side glancing at jimin who was busy typing rapidly on his phone probably playing one of his childish games ,the two are currently on their way to visit jungkook and taehyung .

"And you don't think we should get something for him?" Yoongi shrugs at his lover question , there's nothing they can really get for the boy that jungkook won't have got for the boy , that'll end as wasting of energy and time so no .

"I don't really think it's needed , jungkook probably already get the whole world inside the house for the boy" yoongi reply gently squeezing jimin's thighs with his free hand that was laying on the younger's clothed thighs .

"Whatever" the dance student grumble under his breath before focusing back on what he was previously doing on his phone.

"Where are you going doll?" Jungkook confusedly question seeing his baby stepping down the stairs carefully , his hand under his big belly .

"I ordered something online and it's outside so I'm going to get it" the pretty male enthusiastically reply causing a frown to settle on jungkook's face , his baby didn't ask him for what he needed but instead went ahead to order it by himself ? He haven't done anything wrong or did he ?.

"What's it ? And why didn't you tell me to get it for you and why are going to pick it by yourself when one of guards can bring it inside for you ?" Jungkook confusedly question causing taehyung to roll his eyes , this dramatic man.

"It's something I need right now and I just placed the order like minutes ago but don't worry I paid with one of your cards , and I just want to do everything by myself today- today is your rest day daddy" jungkook was still trying to process the boy's words but taehyung was already on his way out leaving jungkook trying to remember maybe he had done something wrong and taehyung is having of his evil plans again.

Minutes later , the younger drag the big box into the house and when jungkook steps ahead to help the boy , he end up getting his hand smack by taehyung who went on scolding spray on him for minutes .

"Now, time to set up my new baby" taehyung claps his hand together before padding towards the kitchen to get a knife , jungkook was still at the same spot trying to understand the new dimension of the younger's mood swings for the day .

He watch taehyung walk back to his box and tear it open with the knife , jungkook frown when he finally get what the boy has ordered . Inflatable swimming pool.

"Oh I thought they didn't remember to put the pipe"taehyung smile when he the pipe , he straighten up his body and scrunch his nose up slightly when he felt a long drag of pain on his back

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"Oh I thought they didn't remember to put the pipe"taehyung smile when he the pipe , he straighten up his body and scrunch his nose up slightly when he felt a long drag of pain on his back .

Jungkook quickly step forward.

"Let me help you doll"the CEO worriedly stated but taehyung pouted slightly pushing jungkook away and pick the folded new rubber pipeline again, he unfolded it and start dragging it to the kitchen .

Jungkook assume he'd have to put it to the kitchen tap and fill up the pool , what a good mood swings.

Jungkook really can't keep calm when his doll was literally going back and forth and won't even allow him to help out , because he apparently want to do everything by himself today .

Someone that jungkook has bathed this morning , doing everything on his own my ass .blame the mood swings.

Jungkook turn around when the entrance door was pushed open by no one other than jimin and yoongi.

"Didn't you have two pools in your house? What's with this moveable pool?" Yoongi question and jungkook didn't get to speak up when the real suspect padded out of the kitchen but now with a plate of pasta and bottle of soda drink .

"Why are you making him walk around with this heavy stomach Mr jeon , can't you see his condition?" Jimin glare at jungkook as he walk ahead to help taehyung.

"Why are you scolding daddy ? He didn't do anything wrong , I don't need help " taehyung snickers walking pass jimin who pressed his lips into thin line , this better be some jokes .

Jungkook tilted his neck wordlessly telling jimin maybe he understands the situation.

"He said today's my rest day , he want to do everything on his own and what can I do ?" Jungkook stated and jimin and yoongi look back towards who Taehyung has place his food down on the table now filling up his pool with the pipe, the younger seem giddy to get inside the pool as he was bumping his head to no sound .

"Should I help you to off the tap in the kitchen?" Jungkook question when he notice the pool water is almost enough but sighs when he was totally ignore by Taehyung who drop the pipe and padded back inside the kitchen to turn the water off , jimin and others raised their brow up confusedly when the boy walk out of the kitchen with a bag of ice .

"You are planning to eat to ice ?" Jungkook was already on his feet , he had enough of this boy mood today. Everything was fine until now , he was going to eat ice ?. Satan hold up !.

"daddy is dumb" the younger giggle softly walking pass Jungkook who look offended by the words and jimin and yoongi who are trying hard not to burst into loud laughs , Taehyung mouth is a disaster.

They watch the younger empty the bag of ice into the pool and take a deep breath as he was finally ready to sit inside his newly made pool , the fuck why hr has never try this before ?.

Without wasting much time and not bothering to remove the small short he was wearing he steps carefully inside the pool and sits down ,his leg wide spread and Jungkook also can't help but smile widely at the big smile of relief that invade his doll face .

The boy is definitely content with whatever he just made up .

"Should I bring your food for you ?" Jungkook ask since Taehyung didn't remember to take the food along before getting inside his pool , the younger pout when he finally remembered his food .

"Yes please daddy" Jungkook Chuckled shaking his head before taking the food to Taehyung, he bend down to the younger's level and lovingly peck the boy's nose then forehead .

"Baby is loving this ?" The CEO question and Taehyung rapidly nod his head as he already starts stuffing the food into his mouth , he stare down when Jungkook place his palm on his stomach but he gasps when he felt movement and with the shocked expression that take over Jungkook's face too , he can tell the man can also feel the movement.

"D-did you feel that ? , My princess is moving" Jungkook beams like a kid and yoonmin can't also help but rush closer to the couple and that's how Taehyung have to sit still and watch all of them take turn in placing hands on his stomach, and the baby also seem energetic as she keep moving.

They're lucky he wasn't in pain or the pasta plate would've end up against their face .

He just watch them while silently eating his food , but shakes his head when jimin said he wants to listen to what the baby was saying so he place his ear on Taehyung's stomach which earned loud laugh from both yoongi and Jungkook.

They're happy . (And joy is salty 🙄 can I like--- *cough* I mean- NVM).


Sorry for mistakes

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