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Your first time on my account, what do you think of me ?👀

And now what type of person do you think I am ?👀👀


I missed you and oh : I want you here

"I know you're annoying but I hate it when you seem depressed , if you miss him so much tell him to come home ".jimin roll his eyes at the younger who has his eyes fixed on his phone with headphone above his head , one side raised up so he can hear his roommate voice .the younger has been on his phone from the moment they stepped into the house after their classes .

Infact , Taehyung has been quite dull since morning and jimin didn't understand the sudden change in his mood until he received a text from Jungkook around afternoon telling he's out of the country and he wants him to keep eyes on Taehyung and take care of him .

Jimin really doesn't understand the status of relationship between Taehyung and Jungkook and never really try to ask any questions about it , he hated trying to over peel into someone's personal life but he'd surely listen whenever Taehyung decided to breakdown their type of relationship to him.

Taehyung roll his eyes at jimin's voice as he focus back on the drama he was watching on his phone , he just feel absolutely down for no reason . Jungkook has dropped him off back into the dorm later in the midnight before leaving to his house , it'll be a big lie if the younger said he didn't enjoy the moment out with the older male . he'll like to try that again , Jungkook is interesting to hang around .well if he's not in a beast mode .

Talking about beast mode , the pretty surely won't lie about how he had been getting suspicious with Jungkook recently .if the older male touch him , it's rather more intimate in a pleasing way rather than lust .just make outs and nothing else .

He raised his brow when the phone starts ringing only to see a FaceTime request from Jungkook, he just sighs turning over his stomach before answering the call and properly push the headphones against his ear .but he won't really want to explain how much wet he got instantly when he catch the figure on Jungkook on the phone .

The rich CEO was wearing something presumedly pajamas but a see through ones showing the man's perfect body proportion and Taehyung sure knows he'll like to run his tongue all over Jungkook's body , don't get him wrong but man with muscles can always choke him and leave him breathless and he won't even complain .( those words are from joy).


He snap out of his not so holy thoughts when he heard Jungkook calling him softly , the new soft way that never fail to leave his body and mind in catastrophe . Taehyung wants to commerce his body because it seem he's lost in himself , Jungkook makes him have incomprehensible feelings that consume his body and mind .

Yeah Jungkook did that just with his soft voice .

"Hey".he drawled out staring at Jungkook who was now sitting against the headboard holding the phone up enough just to expose his face and half upper body , Taehyung let his eyes wander around the older's well sculpture face and how his slight wet hair fall over his face .he wish to have a taste of this man , he called Jungkook a deadly Temptation for a reason didn't he ?.

How was class ? Stressful ?

"Hmm but good enough to overcome , it's night there ? You seem ready for sleep". Taehyung decided to entombed whatever useless deprave thoughts engrossing his mind and soul , he need to be embalm in holy water for centuries . he's corrupted .yes he is sinner.

It's night here babydoll and I just came back from the office minutes ago i-

Taehyung grimace when Jungkook suddenly stop speaking and look towards where Taehyung presumed to be entrance and he can eavesdrop some almost muffling like sound from the background and Jungkook seem to have dropped the phone on the bed which exhibit the ceiling of the hotel room to him, he wants to cry because all he wish to be viewing his Jungkook's face and nothing else .

Minutes pass and the older finally hold the phone up again but now sitting at the edge of the bed staring Intensly at taehyung boring eyes , he decided to chuckle when he sees his favorite doll rolling his eyes back against his head .

I just have dinner deliver to me , do you have lunch yet?

"Yeah , we got some takeout on our way back from school but we probably going to order some pizza for dinner ". Taehyung mumble and take a quick peek over jimin who was on his phone now but their eyes meet for a second before they both look away , soulmate string .

I can text yoongi hyung to get some food for you guys from that new restaurant , should I ?

"No it's fine , we'll manage ".he rejected politely as he knows jimin doesn't seem to appreciate yoongi's stares on him Everytime and the younger always bold to show his distaste in seeing the older male , Taehyung make a mental note to fully sits jimin down for that discussion later .

Do you miss me?

Taehyung skip his eyes back to the phone as he stare silently at Jungkook who was now resting his jaw on his palm , he gulp swiftly letting the man's question linger in the air more than it should . Jungkook sighs softly when he notice he won't probably get answer for that question, so he speak up again .

I missed you , who knows I'll miss your bratty ass so much

Jungkook roll his eyes trying to lessen the sudden tension in the air and it actually works because the next moment Taehyung scoff loudly mumbling a bitch below his breath , what's Jungkook doing to him recently ?.

"Mr Jeon if that's you please come back home , your brat has been depressed since morning". Taehyung flinch at the sudden voice close to his ear and almost drop his phone , he turn to glare at jimin who was now lashed on him . He can't help but wonder when the other male come so close .

He skip his eyes back to the phone and see Jungkook was now staring at him with a raised brow and that his cocky smirk , jimin better prepare his last wish in advance .

So my doll miss me so much ?

"You wish bitch, miss you my ass". Taehyung tsked even tho he couldn't meet Jungkook's gaze anymore , could it be he was suddenly down because he was missing Jungkook? It's not possible or is it ?. He take a deep breath when he doesn't even understand his own feelings anymore and he hates it , he hates it so much when he lost control over what to feel or what he is feeling .

Tell me doll, just say you want me back home and give me reason to drop the work here .say you want me back home

Taehyung froze at that voice again , Jungkook have three types of voice that Taehyung wish he didn't get to know .the usual cold one he used with everyone, the soft one and the one that show rawness feelings without even trying and that's the one Jungkook was using with him right now .

So he stare directly back into Jungkook eyes , he need to test his luck .

"I missed you and I want you back home".


Sorry for mistakes

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