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Guardian angel : cocky brat

Jungkook sighs following Taehyung into the bathroom , he had sent his father off earlier after the man has eaten and Jungkook was worried the pretty male didn't come downstairs even to eat .

Now he was back in his bedroom only to have the younger to ignore him , this boy is always on his period .gosh .

"Why are you ignoring me now love?I didn't even do anything wrong". Jungkook mumble but pressed his lips into thin line when Taehyung only hiss slightly at him, guess the boy has added snake detail to his attitude too .

"Of course you didn't do anything wrong , just go and marry whoever they wants you to marry"the pretty male mumble pushing pass Jungkook as he walk out of the bathroom back into Jungkook's bedroom , he sat at the edge of the bed after taking a bottle of water from Jungkook's fridge then take some pills out of his bag which causes Jungkook to scrunch his nose up in distaste .

"Why are you taking those medicine?". Jungkook question and Taehyung stare up at him blankly before he Chuckled dryly , this man got to be kidding him.

"To have fat ass".he sarcastically reply throwing the pill down his throat before taking a sip from the water , he mentally roll his eyes when he heard the CEO mumbling some curse under his breath .

"I am serious, we are in a serious relationship now and I don't think you've any reason to take those pills anymore ". Jungkook calmly stated and Taehyung seem to find his words funny as he laugh out loudly laying his body completely on the bed , pfft this boy !.

"This bitch really thought I'll be popping his babies out without ring on my fingers , try again joker and condom isn't that expensive or still you can choose heaven way and let's cancel sex ". Jungkook take a deep breath father lord give him a lot of strength that's needed to deal with this fucking brat .amen !.

"Then let's get marry". Taehyung raise his body up a little bit to stare at Jungkook with a deadly glare before he shove his middle finger at the man who sighs , there's no way he's dealing with Taehyung that's already in a sour mood. He needs to try later , the network is currently hijacked .

"Let me sleep". Taehyung whines trying to push Jungkook away from him immediately the older male join him on the bed only to pull him closer to his chest , even tho the younger can't deny he loves being hold in Jungkook's arms but he is angry here and have to keep his anger intact .

"Sorry babe , dad doesn't mean it like that . You know if he have intension to get me marry , he'd have done that before we even met so don't think like that , I am fully yours".the CEO softly whispered into the younger's ear knowing that's what Taehyung was waiting for since the moment he step into the room , he want affirmation that Jungkook is still his .

The older can't also help but wonder how much he can understand his doll just by looking at him , he is such a goner .

"Only mine?".he chuckled slightly at the boy's low voice and hummed pushing his face more into the younger's nape as he was back hugging the boy on the bed .

"Only yours baby doll , just yours and yours only". Taehyung bite his lips to hide his smile as he fully turn to face Jungkook and peck the man's lips before pushing his face into the older's neck , he just loves this man too much .

"Now that I remember, hobi hyung is holding a celebration party for you tomorrow night after the opening of your store . That hyung always find every reason to celebrate and he mentioned about introducing someone to us ". Taehyung hummed not moving away from where he has hide his face , it'd be a lie if he said he haven't forget about his store reveal which is happening tomorrow .

Can he ever get use to this his new success and unexplainable grow ? Guess not !.

"I should also buy some things from the store , and for jimin too . Oh- do you guys create social accounts for the brand ?". Taehyung suddenly remembers and push his face back from Jungkook's neck to stare at the older who shakes his his head casually making Taehyung give him a what the fuck look , who the fuck build business these days without the media power ? Such a old fashioned.

What else does he expect from this old sexy price of meat ?.

"What else do I even expect from an old man like you ". Taehyung roll his eyes and giggling when Jungkook softly smack his ass , wordlessly telling him he's offended by those words .

"I'm not old brat , you're just too young . anyways is the media accounts needed ? If it's then tell me about it , this is your brand and I'm just ordinary management to you so don't hesitate to bring ideas that you know can help your brand expand". Taehyung smile gently leaning closer to kiss Jungkook's forehead, the CEO felt his heart going crazy. He have never have someone kiss his forehead before but why does it seem so fucking adorable?, He love it .

"An Instagram account and Twitter , we can post teaser of product in production and the rest-- it's not much of work I can create one". Taehyung mumble .

"Don't worry I'll ask the PR team to create one so it can be verified instantly but the log in details will be send to you , and I also want to inform you to be hard working and starts thinking of another product you'll like to reveal- .this is a brand you have to keep revolving for years , I believe you'll be great . If you're not listed as one of the youngest billionaire then I want you as the youngest millionaire". Taehyung stare silently into the older's eyes and can tell Jungkook means whatever he was saying , the man want him to be great in life .

"You are giving a bigger dream than the ones I have ever have , aren't you my guardian angel? And I love you so much".the younger playful glare at Jungkook when the said male pinch his nose telling him how cute he's , he is not cute but sexy and pretty .( 👀👀 Say what again ?).

"I love you too bear and you know you deserve every fucking good things you'll get in this life".

"I know".

"Cocky brat!".


Sorry for mistakes

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