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Domestic life of : doll and his daddy .

Taehyung grunts slightly licking his lips as he try to get rid of the bitterness taste on his tongue once again but prove abortive , he gently remove the older male arm from his waist before slipping out of the bed, taking a quick glance at the wall clock and he mentally curse when he sees it was 3am in the morning .

"This fucking taste".the younger Mumble under his breath before dragging himself into the bathroom spitting out the bunch saliva that he manage to gather hoping it'll get rid of the bitter taste on his tongue , and he end up vomiting inside the sink .

"This is fucking annoying".another grumble as he pick out his toothbrush and brush his teeth before rising his face with water and finally step out of the bathroom, he glance at Jungkook who was still sleeping on the bed.

"If you don't have an early meeting to attend I'd have give you a hard time right now- but guess today is your lucky day ".he pick his phone from the nightstand and decided to get some snacks from downstairs , along his midnight snacks hunt he found the mint sweets he had bought with Jungkook days ago .

"I should probably use his airpods to avoid having him wake up".he mumbled under his breath immediately he get back into the room as if he have decided to enjoy some music , he open the small drawer where Jungkook usually keep his gadgets trying to find airpods but he really didn't expect to come across a beautiful small red box and curiousity get the best out of him when he decided to open it and can't help but chuckle at what's inside it .

An engagement ring.

He look towards Jungkook who was still deeply asleep before he decided to settle down on the floor there right in front of the drawer.

"Damn- I thought he was messing around when he said he'll use the most expensive ring in the world- this ring shines brighter than my future".he whines under his breath and slip the ring into his finger and can't help but to leave a quick peck on his own finger , it's fucking perfect.

"Guess daddy will have to buy another ring anyways , I've got this one already".he smirk sweetly before picking up tht airpods he was finding in the first place before proceeding to settle himself on the L-shaped leather couch inside the room , and starts feasting on snacks at 3am in the morning out of boredom.

"I am going to look like a panda if I continue eating at this time of night- but who cares ? I'll definitely be the most beautiful panda that ever exist so it's fine".he turn towards Jungkook who was still fastly asleep , contemplating on frustrating the man on letting him be as he had decided earlier but at the end he sighs and turn away from the man .he should let the man rest after making him stand outside the last day for more than thirty minutes before hoseok had arrived .

It was around 6am early in the morning when Jungkook shuffle in his sleep and mindless drag his hand on the bed trying to find the favourite figure he loves the most and his sleep had never disappear so fast when he didn't get the feeling of Taehyung's body on the bed , he shut out of his sleeping state instantly as he push his body up sitting.

He frown deeply when he look towards the bathroom and saw the door was wide open which definitely shows his baby isn't inside there , and Taehyung isn't really a morning person that Jungkook usually have to spend minutes trying to wake him up everyday- so what's with today ?.

He was going to slip out of the bed when his gaze finally fall on the figure that was curled up on the couch , his face mobbed into frown but the frown got more deepen when he sees the bunch of snacks empty packs on the floor and his airpods carelessly thrown on the floor too along with Taehyung's phone.

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