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Sugar daddy : and it duties

Taehyung is currently standing at the closet bus-stop to hansung house as Jungkook has insisted the last day that he'll be dropping him at the school for his exam today and it's as obvious as it is that Jungkook can't really knows where he lives , he can't .so he end up convincing the CEO to pick him from the bus-stop which is why he's currently freezing to death, why nobody warns him ahead the weather today ?.

He mentally cheers when a black car finally pull up infront of him and a man dressed in a black suit come down from the passenger seat only to open the back seat for Taehyung who want to laugh out loudly because he really does find it funny to have someone opening the door for him , but he resist the urge to do so and just enter muttering thanks to the man under his breath .

The CEO was sitting with his eyes on Taehyung but he speaks up immediately his guard close the car door .

"Are you dumb or dumb to have come out in such a thin outfit with this weather ?". Taehyung mentally roll his eyes at Jungkook's scolding , how was he suppose to know the weather outside from inside and not like the pretty male have something thick to wear to begin with but he sure know he'd have steal one of hansung hoodie and have the said male rant on his head later .

"I didn't know ".he mumbled as he decided not to mess with Jungkook this morning besides he's nervous against his exam , what if he fails ? Will Jungkook try to give chance to retake it ? A lot of thoughts are running through the pretty male head as he get lost in them while staring outside the car .

He turn around when he felt something wrapping around him and he look only to see a fluffy coat Jungkook was putting on him , guess the man already came prepared as he might have predicted Taehyung won't dress according to the weather .

"Get rid of your nervousness Taehyung, I believe you'll ace in your exams . Just do your best".the pretty male stare up at Jungkook as the man's soft voice , is he that obvious with his nervousness that Jungkook notices .why is the man even cares about his exam ? , Of course idiot he'll care because it's his money .

"O-h someone is taking their sugar daddy work seriously". Taehyung decided to tease but shut up when Jungkook turn to give him unamused look , this man should try and laugh sometimes .

"So cold".Tae Mumble and Jungkook just shakes his head before looking outside the window and the rest of the drive was in complete silence , Taehyung take a deep breath when the car finally came to halt .

"I can't come with you for obvious reasons but Mr Kim is already waiting for you outside , call me if you need ride after your exam and do well". Jungkook said pulling some cash out of his pocket to hand to Taehyung who take it but stare confusedly at Jungkook.

"Incase you want to eat lunch or buy any other thing ". Jungkook stated shortly and Taehyung nods his head before mumbling a thanks out to Jungkook who gives him an amused look and wave at him as he come down from the car .

"Wear the clothes correctly Taehyung".the pretty male can hear Jungkook's stern voice as he close the car door and did as he was told since he knows Jungkook can see him from inside the car , he waits till Jungkook car drive away and saw a man walking towards him .

"You are Kim Taehyung, I am Kim namjoon . Jungkook's friend and hyung ". Taehyung has to resist the urge to ask the man maybe he can poke his dimples when the man smiles at him , but instead he bow slightly and smile softly at namjoon before he was lead inside the building .

"Hopefully to see you around more later Taehyung but I know you did well ".namjoon smiles as he sees Taehyung coming out of the exams room , the pretty male look pretty exhausted but that was expected after writing two papers in span of four hours non-stop .

"Thanks Mr Kim , I will get going now".Tae Mumble and excuse himself from namjoon who also continue with his own things .

Taehyung pull his phone out of his pocket as he was damn hungry and decided to call Charles and know about the boy's whereabouts , Taehyung can't help but wish for Charles to be cheating on him then maybe then they'll be equal and the guiltiness he's feeling will fly away .

Charles deserve better than him and Taehyung knows he should let the boy go but he is no more on the level of the people that put others before them , he wants him and won't be really letting go of the boy anytime soon .

He smiles when the boy pick his call just at the second ring and wonder how much shocked might be currently writing on Charles face for having Taehyung call him , true Taehyung can count how many times he had call Charles in the past six months and this might be making it the second time .

"Where are you ?". Taehyung ask as he can hear little noise from background and Charles telling probably his friends to keep quiet."cafeteria , how about you ?".Charles replied.

"U-h inside your University , I am currently coming from one Mr Kim namjoon office who teaches English .can you direct me to the cafeteria or do I have to ask these students that are busy staring at me like some new things ?". Taehyung ask rolling his eyes when he sees the look the students passing by are giving him, it'll be so bad of them to judge him according to his look and end up having themselves trap with him .

He follow the directions Charles was giving him on the phone and was finally able to locate the cafeteria , he enter the place and almost wince at the loud chattering voice of the students .damn he won't be able to survive inside this place , he already taken a note he won't be eating in the cafeteria incase he passed his exams .

The cafeteria was big but Charles was able to direct him straight to his and friends table and thankfully Taehyung was glad he didn't run into any rich brat that will be pour drinks on him as he had read in stories .

Taehyung hang up the call immediately he sees Charles waving at him with the biggest smiles on his face , he can't help but wonder maybe he had mistakenly hypnotized this boy under some circumstances .or maybe it's just love been blind at the moment.

"Hey babe".Charles smiles giving a short peck on his cheeks as he motion for him to seat, Taehyung decided to ignore the surprised looks he was receiving from Charles friends.

"Meet Taehyung guys , my babe".Charles seem so proud to introduce his boyfriend to his friends who had their mouths wide open as if they couldn't believe whatever they're hearing .

"I-i seriously thought you were messing with us when you said you have a boyfriend, damn the single hot boy in the university is taken damn".one of the guys speak up and others hummed agreeing with him .

"Why are you here in the first place ?".Charles ask using his hand to dust the little stain on tae's jacket .

"Came to write the exam and damn I am fucking hungry ".Tae said breathing out dramatically as he really decided to ignore the many eyes on him the moment he had stepped into the cafeteria.

Charles chuckle at the boy's pissed off face before excusing himself from the table to get something for Taehyung to eat , the pretty male raised his brow at Charles friends who are staring at him and they all looked away instantly.

Taehyung was about to say something when his phone starts ringing, he brings it out and sighs looking towards where Charles has disappear when he sees Jungkook's name .he picked it up .

"I'm done already but I'll go by myself besides I want to look around the university, ....uhm--- see you tomorrow".he mentally roll his eyes as Jungkook was starting act like his daddy .

Well he's a daddy tho...sugar daddy .


Sorry for mistakes

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