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Just want to love you : tenderly like my rare gem.

Charles groan loudly forcing his eyes open but shot out of the bed instantly when he notice he wasn't in his room and the strange room door was open follow right by an handsome male that stepped inside with tray in his hands , Charles get into defense mode since he really doesn't recognize the male .

"I can see you're awake".the said male chuckle walking casually pass Charles who was still eyeing the man suspiciously , the male turn back to him after placing the tray down on the nightstand.

"I expected you to deal with load of headache with amount of drink you had the last day but I guess I was wrong , anyways my name's Jung hoseok and nice to meet".hobi stretch his hand out for shaking with a polite smile but retreat it back when Charles keep eyeing him suspiciously.

"I will be convince you're mute if you weren't screaming about having your heartbreak last night, anyways I brought you hert because you were considering getting killed so relax if I definitely plan to do something to you I'd have done that when you were busy asleep".hoseok explained and Charles felt his body relax a bit but nevertheless not letting his guard down .

"I am Charles".he mumbled out to hobi who nod with a wide smile on his face .

Taehyung sighs contently pushing his face deeper into the intoxicated scent that had filled up his nose while he keep his eyes shut , wait a damn minutes ? That's his daddy scent.

He sneakily pill one of his eyes open to to register the fact that he was completely laying on Jungkook's chest with his nose buried deep into the older male neck , one of the man hand causally resting on his back and when Tae peek up he can tell Jungkook was indeed awake but on his phone .

Did Jungkook spent the night inside their little dorm ?. Seem like.

"You have to get ready for class if you're awake doll , stop sniffing me you aren't dog".the pretty male pressed his lips into thin line at Jungkook's comments before totally pushing his body off the said man and give a light smack on Jungkook's chest , he roll his eyes slipping off the bed when he heard Jungkook chuckling but he frown slightly when jimin's bed was empty .

Then he remembered the said male has follow yoongi away last night while he lazy around the room with Jungkook and they seem to have casually fall asleep right after that , guess jimin didn't come back home then .

"Where did your cold stone friend took my bestfriend since last night ?".he question pushing the bathroom door open and step inside to get freshen up but leaving the door open so he can hear whatever Jungkook was saying.

"I don't know babydoll , just call him later".he mumbled something under his breath when he heard sound of footsteps coming closer and the next second Jungkook leaning against the door frame , his arms folded on his chest as his eyes burn through the younger's body with intensity.

Without minding much about another present behind him Taehyung starts taking off his clothes and throw a wink at Jungkook when he caught the older male gaze through the mirror , he knows the effect he-- his body have got on Jungkook and it's really obvious to tell .

"A little shame won't do you hurt my doll". Jungkook stated nonchalantly not giving the reaction Taehyung has wants him to give , the older male seem so fine seeing him naked because his face remain blank and unreadable.

"Shame is overrated daddy , wanna join me ?". Taehyung lick his lips sensually dragging his own hand down between his thighs after getting under shower and have the water streaming down his body and almost smirk when he sees Jungkook swap his tongue over his bottom lips with his brow raised amusingly at the younger , Taehyung knows he'll have to try harder to get under Jungkook's nerve .

Funny how fast the table has turn around , now he's the one wanting the male in a sexual way .and he sure knows Jungkook was only trying to piss him off by ignoring all his signs , fuck his life .

"Really fuck you Jeon Jungkook! I have fingers for a fucking reason and you know that!". Jungkook amusedly tilted his head aside when Taehyung rested his back against the shower wall and slightly spread his legs enough for his private part to be on display , Jungkook gulp slightly before turning back to walk in the bedroom and pick the phone that was on the bed and enter the bathroom back only to see Taehyung was already scrubbing his body .

"I badly wanna have that record on my phone and you stopped ?".he mumbled faking a pout on his face but laughs when the pretty male throws the bar soap he was holding towards him but thankfully he was able to dodge it on reflect .

The older male sighs before he starts slipping off his clothes and get behind Taehyung under shower causing the said male to flinch from the sudden warm that engulf him from the back , he tilted his head side way to catch the glimpse of Jungkook's face but roll his eyes when he only have his nose kiss immediately he turn around .he can't even stay mad too long with this man , fuck his life and fuck Jungkook.

"I'll satisfy whenever you want my doll but you always got the timing wrong these days , you have class in minutes and your roommate can also walk in at any moment so pick another timing my lo- doll".Taehyung decided to ignore the sudden stutter between Jungkook's words and turn around now fully facing the male , they are both naked under the water .

"The day before yesterday was also a wrong timing ?".he question as he starts scrubbing Jungkook's upper body with the man's hand resting on his hips , how much he love their current position.

"Yeah , I just want to spend the full day with like normal people does with no sexual activities so yeah it's a wrong timing".the pretty male roll his eyes at Jungkook's words deciding to dead the topic until very next time that he surely knows he'd be getting what he wants , Jungkook won't be able to say no then . ( raerae_bibliophile 🕴🏻🕴🏻🕴🏻😏🙂🗿😔😔S...M....U...T..).

So he just mumble something under his breath dumping the scrubbing sponge on Jungkook's chest and turn around motioning the male to scrub his back for him which Jungkook complied instantly, their current position feel intimate and pleasing to his heart .

He wants to spend more time like this with Taehyung and of course not in a sexual way.

He just want to love him tenderly like a rare precious gem


Sorry for mistakes

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I can't believe I'm writing under writer's block , I am not satisfied with whatever have been writing for the past days but yeah 💜.

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