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Stupidly and blindly in love : new expressions

Jungkook have his palm resting softly on the younger's thighs as he pull up infront of the university entrance turning off the ignition before looking towards his doll who seem have already starts staring at him , the older chuckle slightly stretching his hand forward to brush the younger's hair .

"You'll be late if you keep sitting all day like this pretty doll". Jungkook mumble staring at taehyung who wasn't making any movement to come down from the car at the moment , what's wrong with him.

"I want you to see me to my class , I want you to walk along with me to my class daddy-- I want to show everyone that you're mine and mine along with so much proudness-".the rest of his words linger over his tongue finding it hard to resist the urge to let everything out to Jungkook who was staring at him confusedly, he might have been shocked that Taehyung is personally asking him to walk him to class .

Did Charles run away from the school?.

"Why? you are not afraid to be seen with me by other students ?".the CEO question honestly curious but sighs when Taehyung roll his eyes before alighting from the car and wait patiently for Jungkook to come down after him which the older did still doubting Taehyung's sudden request , but who was he again to go against his doll choices ?.

Nobody .

Taehyung slip his smaller palm into Jungkook's as he walk inside the university and they didn't walk more then a minute before students starts gathering around them , Jungkook have his free hand dip inside his pocket with his expression now blank as usual almost matching the nonchalant look on Taehyung's face .

Power couple hoes !.

W-what ?

Isn't that senior Charles boyfriend?

What is he doing with Mr Jeon ?

I haven't seen Charles in school today

Jungkook sneakily take a peek at Taehyung's reaction towards the whispers but he wasn't disappointed when he sees the younger seem unbother by all those words , he just keep his head ahead and his face not twisting into any impression as they keep walking with the loud gasps and whispering around them.

"If I kinda smack some of their head against the wall , will you let me get away with it without getting punish by the school authority?". Taehyung lean subtly whispering against Jungkook's ear and the said male can't help but chuckle slightly before leaning over the younger's ear too and whisper .

"No darling , you might get away with school authority but I'll surely make sure to teach you some lesson and leave you cripple for days ". Taehyung head snap fully towards Jungkook for a second before it went blank again, he lean towards Jungkook again.

"You know I won't definitely mind that daddy , I told you already didn't I? I want you to fuck me like your personal doll then treat me like your queen right after , I want every bit taste of you without hesitation .give me your all daddy and watch me be your truly doll". Jungkook knows it surely a bad idea starting such conversion in the school hallway with Taehyung , he should've know better than anyone that his doll isn't the type to back down easily . expecially with his constant horny mood recently.

"And whenever I do , sure make daddy proud my doll".he stated calmly stopping infront of the younger's class before finally turning towards the boy who was staring at Jungkook with some expression Jungkook sure knows he haven't notice on Taehyung's face before , fuck that ! The boy doesn't have much expression than pissed off or lust but this is definitely new .

"I'll miss you daddy". Taehyung suddenly exclaim hugging the older male tightly with his head resting on Jungkook's chest , the CEO sighs patting his baby doll back gently deciding on ignoring the shocked written on the students who are passing by faces . If Taehyung doesn't mind others seeing them like this then Jungkook surely knows he won't mind .

"I will miss you too my babydoll but don't worry I will try to check on you every hour , now don't be lazy and go ahead to your class". Jungkook softly mumble patting the younger's hair and laugh silently when the younger smack his hand away mumble something along how he spent hours to style his hair and doesn't want it messed up before his day even starts .

"Can't I come with you to your office ? What if you starts missing me after getting to your office ?". Jungkook pressed his lips into line as he stare down at the shorter male with a blank look that shows Taehyung enough that his trick of skipping class or school today won't work on Jungkook , he just doesn't think he is bold enough yet to come across Charles in the school premises and at the same time he's worry about the boy's welfare.

"I'll send the driver contact to your phone later , after your classes you can request him to bring you to my office but after your classes doll". Jungkook let a smile creep to his face when Taehyung do a little jump cheering before pecking Jungkook's cheeks and finally disappear into his class leaving Jungkook to smile like a fool not minding the judging look he was receiving from the students , he was about to walk away when Taehyung figure appear once again with a fake pout on the boy's face .

"Daddy you forget forehead kisses".Tae Mumble in baby voice and Jungkook smiles before leaning forward to give a minute long kiss on the younger's forehead and with a last smile directed at Jungkook, Taehyung finally left to his class and Jungkook can't help but chuckle amusingly as he watch his babydoll figure disappear into the classroom . that's his favorite doll , well his only doll as well.

He walk back to where his car was parked with the earlier soft aura looming around him long gone as Taehyung wasn't beside him anymore , his doll is the only one that can naturally bring out that part of him that he doesn't even realize it existence until his pretty doll came along .

He unlock his car and was about to get in when somewhere call his name making him turn around with a frown but the frown drop instantly when he saw hoseok walking towards him , it's his hyung .

"You came to drop your brat ?".hobi chuckle and Jungkook can't help as well but laugh softly at the older's words , Taehyung is indeed his brat but adorable one at that too .

"Yeah , how about you ?".

"Came to drop this boy that got heartbroken and was planning to get killed at a local bar last night, took him to my house and realized he studies here and I'm trying to try my luck with him".hoseok explained softly and Jungkook hummed along not bothering to ask for the boy's name , not that it concerns him anyway.

"Oh alright then , catch you later hyung I have to be in the office at the moment". Jungkook said bidding bye to his hyung before driving away to his office with a smile on his face , he can't wait for the day to come to an end already so he can have his baby back on his arm .

Damn , he stupidly and blindly in love with this boy and it felt nice .

Too nice .


Sorry for mistakes

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