meet ryeyumi

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August 3 20XX, 3:28 PM, edge of California, Ryeyumi POV

My dad came home drunk (again), mad for some reason. He always comes home like this. "Rye! Come here!" My older brother called. "What?" I said to him. "I'm sick of dad coming home like this, you know?" "Yea, so?" I asked. He went to a box and pulled something out. I looked closely and realized that it was a revolver! "What are you thinking!" I yelled to him. I questioned a few things to myself like is he going to kill him? Suicide? What is he planning. Soon our mom walked in saying "what are you two yelling about?". She noticed the revolver in his hand and tried not to scream. "Mom it's not what it looks like!" He told her. She took the gun from his hands and told us not to play with things like that. "Mom, we are like 24" I said while crossing my arms. "As long as our here, I am the boss. You understand" she said. But as soon as she said that, our dad came in. And from that second forward, it got messed up. Our dad grabbed the revolver from our mom and shot her twice. Once in the stomach and once in the head. My brother didn't say a thing but I screamed. My brother looked at me and I looked at him. Then my brother ran towards our dad and grabbed the gun from his hands and shot himself. People would say suicide, but I would call it murder. "That was a good choice" our dad said. I stared at him, upset for that statement. "YOU MOTHER F•CKING B•TCH!" I yelled. I grabbed the revolver and shot him multiple times. I was so upset at them for what just happened. I started to cry.

Time skip (4 days)

It was very early and I just walked inside after burying my family's bodies. I would never forgive myself for what I did. I need to leave this place. I went upstairs to the computer though I forgot the password. Oh I remember! 2683. I went online to find a place I could go but none of the options were good. My only option left was Nevada. After what happened about a few weeks ago I was nervous about going. So I grabbed some stuff like that revolver to keep me safe. I went back online to see what I should watch out for. When I looked, it wasn't a thing, it was a who. Hank J Wimbleton. According to this it said he was pretty dangerous to Nevada. I was nervous just by reading that but I know what I should do.

I just entered the edge of Nevada and I was terrified. One guy in a suit and red glasses encountered me. "Who are you and where you coming from?" He said. "I'm ryeyumi, I am coming from California" I replied. He didn't let me in so I knocked him out. He was pretty weak than I thought. Someone saw me and started to run toward me. I got away eventually but when I got near a few houses, I saw that Hank J Wimbleton guy! I started to run again. At this point I couldn't breathe. I was completely lost at this point but I saw some people in front of a house so I just stop where I was. Later, one of the guys left and the other two went inside. I waited for about 25 minutes for something to happen. The two guys came back out and sat on the porch. At this point I was bored. I saw a butterfly go by. I thought this place was an broken down town. I thought to myself. Soon after that the two boys came up to me. One of them didn't have a shirt on, and had some kind of scarf on his head. The other one had a visor and and heavy coat on. They asked me few few questions a moment later. I lied once but after that, I told the whole truth. The boys names where Sanford and deimos. They seemed nice to me. After that we went our separate ways. I think I will like it here in Nevada. But what if the people back in California find out what happened to my parents and sibling? Who knows.

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