It is real but yet no one will believe

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The guys house
November 7 20XX
Sanford's POV
:It is real but yet no one will believe:

"Come on I swear it's real! Deimos and I went ourselves the other day! Please, you've gotta believe me!" I pled. "There is something really wrong with you Sanford! There is no building in the middle of nowhere!" 2B yelled. "But it's true Doc, Sanford is telling the truth. I've seen it- we've seen it! He isn't lieing." Deimos said. 2B gave us a look and left. I sighed. "When will he ever believe the either of us?" I asked. Deimos shurgged. We both looked at Hank and Rye on the other side of the room. They were just playing chess. "Hank will 2B ever believe us?" I asked. Hank looked at us but didn't do anything expect move his piece, slowly across the board. "He said what, and that's checkmate!" Ryeyumi said. Hank flipped the check board over and he looked away, upset. We all laughed. "Your such a crybaby Hank." Ryeyumi said. Hank got up and looked at her. "I mean- how about we have the boys play chess?" She said. "What?! Why is?" We both said. They shurgged and for a few minutes we played chess.

Deimos POV

While we where playing chess, pitch came in once or twice. I won when they helped me, they must've knew more than I did. It was really cool but Sanford knew I was "cheating". Like I mean- if you count a... voice or something in your body that tells you what to do, I don't think it is cheating. Is it cheating? I don't know. Well I'm on my last game now so, wish me luck! I put my check-er? For my next move. Sanford did the same. Take your left side one and put it over there. They said. I did and realized that if Sanford moves his to the right I would win! "Deimos stop f•cking cheating! I know your using that voice in your head to win!" Sanford said. "No I am not!" I said back. We went on a 5 minutes argument about if I was or not. Of course I was but he won't know. He isn't me! Sanford moves his to the right and I won! "Ha! I won!" I shouted. "That isn't fair Deimos. You used your little voice in your head!" Sanford yelled. "So what? Game is game Sanford! No rules, just game" I said back. "Haters to lovers to haters again." Ryeyumi said. Hank nodded in agreement. "Hank, do you really think that 2BD will believe us?" Sanford asked. Hank looked at him and nodded. Most of the time Hank says the truth, but I don't know about this time. But what if it was? What if he was talking the truth about this. It's all a "what if" in this situation. I got up and walked over to Ryeyumi and looked at her. She was confused. I gave her a little pat but Hank grabbed my hand. "It's okay Hank! He's fine." Hank let go of me. "What do you mean Rye?" I asked. "Oh, you don't know?" I shaked my head. "What happened?" Sanford said as he got up. "Well, one day me and Hank decided to go to the store. Some guy decided to do some weird stuff and grabbed me. Hank, well, being him.... Tore their arms off! Man it was scary." She said. We all looked at Hank. He just nodded. Man as much as we wished for Hank to talk this would be a good time. "Okay then?" Sanford said. We then walked the two out and we both sat on the couch and we both sighed. "You did cheat." Sanford said. "I DID NO-

Hello viewer. You are probably wondering why I am speaking to you. I know that you hear us. And I know you hear everything that happens in our world. Well viewer, this is going to end soon so don't worry any longer. Some may die, and some may not. It depends on your choice. Keep reading for all I care or stop and ignore his warning. You may think that the Auditor is the bad guy but your wrong. So so wrong....

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