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This part will have soon +13 stuff too so you can skip this one or just read with caution. You have been warned.

October 6 20XX, 8:28 PM, Nevada, Deimos POV

We had left the baseball stadium. Sanford was hit in the head with a ball during it so we had to leave. Though he just woke up, talking about something. "Your not making any sense Sanford" 2B told him. "But it's true! I swear! The smell of cinnamon rolls and the scream I heard, it's true you have got to believe me guys!" Sanford said. "Your dreaming dude. We took cinnamon rolls from the stadium" I said while take out a box of cinnamon rolls. "Well, let's just get you two home first. I got sh•t to do" "okay then". We continued on the road when I saw a stop sign. Tricky? I thought he was gone? I thought. You know, your friend is right. There was a sweet smell. "Oh now you got to get into this too?" I said. "Pardon me?" 2B said. "Oh not you man, just something else" I said and we continued on.

*Time skip: 1hour*

I put on a white shirt and some shorts. I went to sit on the couch when I saw Sanford, laying on the couch writing something. "What, you lost your voice too?" I joked. "No you idiot. I'm trying to remember the guy I saw. 9 I think? I can't remember" Sanford said then continued to draw. "Dude for the last time! It was a dream! None of that was real" I said. "Oh? Is this revenge for when I said I didn't believe that you heard voices?" "It could be! But now, that is true". We began to argue with each other, saying who was wrong or who was right. This went on for 32 minutes. Then all of the sudden, we both heard... something. While you two just shut up?! I'm trying to fix something here. That is when it stopped. "W-what was that?" I asked. "I-I dunno man. What was that?" I wasn't me. Though, you two need to understand that what you both say is true. "Oh well that helps" I said. "Lets worry about that later and let's go to bed. Okay?" Sanford said getting up. "Yea sure". We both went to bed and something else happened. "Um Sanford" I asked to see if he was awake. "What?" He was awake, that's good. "This may be a weird question but, a-are you hard?" I asked. He looked a little flustered. "What? No. Well not really? Why" he asked. "I feel something poking me". If it wasn't him, what was it. I looked down to see a knife. "Really smart Ford" I said. "I didn't put that there? Like I said a few weeks ago, I won't do it again" he told me. I know that's a lie. I put the knife on the ground, under the bed and went back to sleep.

*Time skip:20 minutes*

"Ow" I said. "Sanford stop, I know that's you a•shole." But Sanford was asleep, fast asleep. He's kinda cute when he's asleep. But first, where was the pain coming from? I moved my hand all around my body to find that is was coming from my neck. "What the f•ck?" It felt like bite marks. What the h•ll?! Is there like a ghost in the house? I thought. Shhhhh Deimos, don't need to to jump to conclusions. I sighed. I got out of bed. Trying not to wake up Sanford of course, even though he was fast asleep. I left the bedroom and sat on the couch. "What did you do?" I asked. Oh, I didn't do anything Deimos. But I did leave a mark didn't I? "You bit me?! What the h•lls your problem voi- I mean pitch. I'm Still trying to get used to that" I will forgive you this once Deimos. But other then that, you shouldn't be embarrassed my friend. "Embarrassed about what? You are making no sense pitch. Though, that's kinda sus" I joked. Though, pitch didn't take it as a joke. Oh, it's like that huh? Well... "Ah!~" I moaned. "D-did you just bite me again?" Like I said, I didn't do anything Deimos. Pitch continued to bite my neck. I covered my mouth each time I moaned. I didn't want to wake Sanford up, thinking the opposite. Even though I couldn't see pitch, I felt them. "A-ah~ pleas- ah~ stop." I said. Pitch didn't stop. Your moans are cute Deimos. Keep it up. Pitch started to go down, to my chest. "Wait! That's s-senstive." And I thought your friend was more then that. "A-AH~" I moaned louder this time. You like it when I lick you chest do you? I nodded. "O-okay, you s-should stop now-w" I said gasping for air. Awh, your face looked so cute when you moaned. Pitch bite me once again. "Ah~ pitch~" I moaned. You bastard. You should go back to bed. " That's why- ah~ I said you s-should've stopped" pitch stopped and I went back to bed. I felt something on my neck again but it wasn't a bite or a lick. It was like a needle was just ejected into me. Then everything went black.

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