abomination 1

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(sorry this is late if it is. I was busy for a while and so yea! But any, enjoy this chapter. And also, this book is coming to an end soon but not to soon! But after this, I will make a part two to this. Don't know when but I will.)

The Exsprostiry
Sanfords POV
: Abomination 1 :

I'm back in my dream? How?! It's only been a few days? I was on the floor till I was nudged by subject 9. "Oh!, I must have fallen asleep again? Hehehe you know me?" I laughed. Subject 9 wasn't to "amused". "Come on best pal, we have other things to worry about. Like getting out of here?" I nodded and got up. Return to the left and we saw this big wall. It had the pained and no posters, just one door. I go to open the door when subject 9 grabbed my hand. "Don't go in there! you don't know what's in there!?" 9 excalimed. I shaked my hand off and I opened the door. The room was pretty big. At the end was this big cage door but no cage on the other side. It was just in the wall. I saw a big glass window on the right top side. It had computers and a microphone in the window. This must have been a testing room? I wondered. I walked inside but the door immediately closed. "9 don't play these jokes." I said on the other side. I tried opening it but it was locked! "It wasn't me that's pal I swear!" 9 said on the other side of the door. We tried opening it but it was no use, was locked anyway. I heard a cranking sound on the other side of the room as if something was being opened. Cage was opening. "Uh 9..the cage opening, is that normal?" I asked. "Sanford get out of there! That thing is going to kill you!" 9 said on the other side of the door. I turned around and the cage door was all the way opened. Lights flickered on and I could see the room clearly. It had multiple knocked over chairs, turned over and opened boxes, and the words on top of the cage saying: abomination 1. I was confused on why it said that ,but then I heard this weird growling sound. A big stomping sound broke a silence that was going on. Then this big- well HUGE...dog appeared? It looked hafe dead, some of it's body was robotic, and just the rest was fur. It was on all fours. "uh 9! There's a big dog thing out here!" I shouted. "I'll try to get his attention from the window! I'll get you out!" The dog started to run towards me. I went to the other side of the room and hid behind some boxes. "Man I could use Dei's help right now..." I said to myself. I tried shaking my head to wake up from this dream but it wouldn't work. At the worst times it takes me but at the right time it doesn't, great. A huge roar filled the room. I ran to the other side of the room again but the dog was right behind me! Then, a voice went over the speaker. "Abomination 1! Bad dog! You know how we treat people here?" It was 9. But what did he mean? The dog bowed before me. I was confused. Why was the dog doing this? "Thanks 9!" I yelled from the room. He waved back from the window and then the dog went back in the cage thing and the cage closed. A door on the other side of the room opened. "I'll be in that side of the room! Meet me there!" I shouted to 9. He gave me a smile and walked away from the window that meant he was going there. I walked there the door and then it went black! SON IF A-

Somewhere in Nevada
October 20 20XX
Sanfords POV
: Abomination 1 :

I woke up in the car. What happened? "JeBus Christ your finally awake!" Deimos? I looked to my side. It was Deimos! "Oh hey man! What happened?" I asked. "You feel asleep! Rye is still out there looking for Hank and 2B is- we didn't bring him along." Deimos respond. Oh yea! We went camping. Hank saw something and rye went after him and we were about to leave! I remember now! "Oh, well can I at least go back to sleep till they get back?" Deimos nodded and sat back and I went back to sleep.

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