more than just confusion

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October 7 20XX, Nevada, 8:00 AM, Deimos POV

I woke up the next morning. Sanford was on top of me, staring, in my eyes. "Um good morning?" I said. "We need to talk" Sanford said seriously. "Can you get off of me first? Then we can talk." He got off of me and I sat up. I noticed something off about him though. "What's up?" I said. He pointed at my neck and then his. Oh sh•t! I forgot about last night! I was so embarrassed. "U-uh, I didn't do it." "Then who did? Hm?" He had two bite marks on his left side. I have known him enough that's his sensitive spot was on his right side, upper area. I also saw that his cuts were gone. "Oh sh•t! 2B is coming back today, what do we do about this?!" Sanford excalimed. You have bandages underneath kitchen sink for some reason. Thanks I guess. "We have bandages underneath the kitchen sink. We can use those" I said. "Good idea. Hopefully he doesn't suspect anything about it." We got up and went to the kitchen to grab them. We then bandaged up and we looked fine. After that the two of us got dressed. Quick Deimos, look at the news. The news? I went to the living room and turned the TV on. "Hey Ford! Come look at this." He walked over to look and see what was going on. "In the past 4 years, this is the first biggest building fire north Nevada has seen." It then showed a building an asylum building. "That's what the building I saw looked like!" Sanford excalimed. "How many times do I have to tell you Ford. It was a god d•mn dream!" I yelled. He looked upset. "Ugh, fine. It was just a dream." Sanford said. We then heard a knock at the door. "Oh my! It's an imposter!" I joked. Sanford hit me upside the head and went to get the door. I followed. He opened to door to see Doc at the door. He quickly noticed the bandages on our necks. "Hey 2B, what's up?" Sanford said nervously. He grabbed him by the ear said "Your gonna take these bandages off and let me look at it, understand." The two of us nodded. We came in and took the bandages off. He scolded us for "making out" in the night. "But it wasn't us! Deimos said he didn't, Hank wasn't here- wait, does Hank even do that?" Sanford started. "No, he draws that cr•p." Doc said. "That's besides the point guys. We don't know who did it but... I think I know who" I started. "Who" Sanford said while starring in my soul. "The voice." I said. "So you think we are both going crazy now?" "Wait what voice?" I know pitch said to not trust anyone. Though I told sanford and rye, should I tell Doc? "For two months now, I have been talking to this 'voice' in my head." Doc didn't reply. "You guys are crazy" he said. I heard Sanford gasp quietly. Then he fell. "Sanford!" I yelled, but he didn't get up

<><><>Sanford POV<><><>

I woke up to the smell again of cinnamon rolls. Why do I keep smelling cinnamon rolls? I looked around. Trees. All I really saw where trees. I looked up and saw smoke. Perfect! I started running toward the smoke. The smell of cinnamon rolls faded and was getting replaced with the smell of gasoline. I finally reached the source of the smoke. It looked like the building I saw in that "dream" I had. The building was on fire. People we're screaming and running away for the building. Though, one person just stared at the burning building. Then everything went black again. "Best pal! Wake up!" I came back into reality. I felt weak. "9?" I asked. "Yes best pal?" It was him. I was in the room full of photos. "What happened? I just saw a building get on fire?" I asked, looking around at my surroundings. "You past out two times! Once just by talking, then you woke up and pasted out again! But it's okay, it had only been 30 minutes." 9 said. Thirty minutes?! It's been an day and one-fourth! How had it been thirty minutes already? "If you know so much about this place, what is this room?" I asked while getting up. "This is the picture room. Where M finds more of us I think? I can't remember." I picked up a photo on a desk. I had two people on it: one was a girl with black hair and another with red hair but the the face of the red haired person was crossed out. You couldn't see their face. "That looks like 32!" 9 said jumping behind me. I also jumped. "Wait, the people in the map are like people here?" I asked. I figured this out because the map had the number 32 on it in one of the boxes and so did 9's but his was farther away. "I think?" He said. "Who is M? You keep saying something about them?" I asked. 9's expression looked. Different from the one he had. "M is the person that brought us here..." He said. The mood had changed like pasting a build board on the highway. "9, I don't know how I got here, but I gonna try to get us out." His expression change just as I said that. "But how best pal? The keys are an area that can't be reached by anyone of us?" "Wait, it was locked?" I said confused. "When you walk through a big door like the entrance. It locks behind you." Then everything went black.

I woke up on the couch. I felt like I had been hit in the head with a rock. "Sanford! Your okay!" Deimos said while hugging me as tight as he could. "What happened?!" I was so confused. I need to go back. But how? And when?

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