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Happy Valentine's day! I know people are gonna kill me for this but I always thought that it would just be so cute and just, I had to make this.

October 12 20XX, Nevada, 1:21 PM, Hanks POV

Halloween is my favorite time of year. Besides the time where sanford got stabbed in the chest and we had to fix him. But the bad thing was, We didn't even get any candy!? Like, who does that? I heard yesterday that Sanford was going crazy. He kept saying that there was this like building or something and this person was there and he wanted to leave but couldn't? I was confused. I actually think that Sanford going crazy. But back to the topic at hand, Halloween. I wanted to decorate my house but I don't have any decorations. So, I went to Sanford's and Deimos's house to see if they were gonna do it this year. They said after all had happened this year, they couldn't do it. "Sorry Hank, Im not sure if we can do Halloween this year man." Deimos said to me. I nodded and left. I know Doc definitely won't do it either. He doesn't celebrate holidays as much anymore. Last time he every did was about ten or fifteen years ago. It had been so long tho. Only one person left... And I hope they say yes. And that person is


I quickly had found her house. It was a dim color of grey and the trim was a greyish-blackest. I knocked on the door. I had a note ready to give her to as if she could or not. But, what if she isn't here? What if she doesn't celebrate Halloween? What if she doesn't even celebrate anything?! I was nervous as h•ll. Just as I was gonna turn around, someone opened the door. "Oh hey Hank, Haven't seen you in a while?" Rye said while opening the door. I quickly handed her the piece of paper. "Mh?.... Oh yeah! I actually was gonna earlier but I didn't have time!" She said. She giggled at little as well. Cute I thought. She told me that she was gonna grab some box's with some stuff in them. When she came back most of the boxes had lights. Purple, Orange, red, and black. The perfect colors for Halloween. We began to put the lights up. After awhile she asked me a question that was quite personal. "Why can't you talk? Like not to be rude but, im just curious?" I began to write some when I put some of the lights on the roof. I handed her the note: that it's kinda personal. "Oh I see, sorry" she said. I shakes me head and continued to put up more lights. After I put some in the roof, I headed back down to do the lights at the bottom. I was just about to do the lights at the door, when I heard something. I went to look. I saw the Ryeyumi was trying to climb the ladder. I tried waving at her to get her attention but she didn't see me. She slipped and fell but I caught her in time. I held her bridal style. "Ha..thanks Hank. I could've died" she joked. I started at her in her eyes. She could tell I wasn't playing games. I placed her down and suggested that we should finish tomorrow. She agreed and asked if I wanted to come in. I nodded and we went inside. I was really surprised that she was actually about to make tea. Normally I don't drink tea but her tea, I couldn't get enough. I gave her a thumbs up, meaning that it was good. "I'm glad you like it Hank" she told me. We talked about stuff like what if Nevada wasn't chaos or if we were opposite genders. Rye said maybe she would be like an edgy kind and I said that maybe a cat lady. I actually have 4 cats at the moment and I am waiting to find a black cat for Halloween and give it little glasses. "Hold on, I want to show you something." She said. She walked off onto another room. I looked around to see what her house, well this room, was like. It had a small TV, pictures just about everywhere, and a small dresser with a bear plush on it. Maybe she likes bears? She then came back with some kind of photo. She handed me the photo and I looked at it. The background had a pretty blue sky, Two trees and Grass. And family of four was shown. A little girl that was probably rye, and little boy with black fuzzy hair, a man which was probably her dad, and a lady. The lady had the exact same glasses that ryeyumi had. I pointed at the family in confusion, hoping to get a better understanding of the photo. "This is my mom... that's my dad, he was a jerk...that me...and that my older bro" she said. I wrote a sentence down: where is your family? Back in California? "Oh they...they died, well, uh, can you keep a secret?" Secrets I always keep. Especially when it has to do with one of my family/friends. I nodded. She sighed. "Okay, well back in August, my brother was so upset at my dad for something. He had a plan to kill him. My mom came upstairs to see what we were doing. She then took the gun away from him saying he was gonna kill me but we both knew that wasn't true. My dad came behind her and shot her... Then my brother started to attack my dad and my dad shot him as well. I grabbed the gun from my dead bro and shot my dad. I could've shot myself that day but I felt that I shouldn't. So that's the story." She seemed sad after that. I came and sat next to her and let her lean on me. After a few minutes, we both ended up falling asleep.

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