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(3/4 and pretty short)

December 25, 20XX
Ryeyumi's house
Third person POV

"Can you past the- um- rolls? I don't know?" Deimos said. Hank moved the basket of roll to Deimos. It was Christmas dinner, and they were at Ryeyumi's house. "Th-th-...t-they are rolls." Hank said. "Thank you for autocorrecting me." Deimos said back. Deimos takes a roll and puts it on his plate. Sanford just randomly starts laughing. "What?" Ryeyumi asked. "Sorry! Sorry! Just the fact Deimos is being dumb." Sanford said. "Me dumb?!" Deimos said. "Yep, your just so dumb to ask. They are right there!" Sanford pointed to an area on the table near Deimos. "I can't reach that!" "Yes you can!" "Guys stop fighting! It's Christmas." Ryeyumi said. The two boys stopped fighting and looked at their plates. It was just the four of them. Their shouldn't have been a reason for the two to be fighting. 2BDammned was busy doing whatever who knows what, so it leaves the four to themselves. "So uh, what are you guys doing for new years?" Ryeyumi asked to break the silence. "Fireworks, maybe blow up something?" Deimos said. Hank hit him in the head for saying that. "B-bad Deimos. No b-blowing..things up." Hank said. Deimos just shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. What are y'all doing?" Deimos asked. "Putting Hank in a cat costume!" Ryeyumi said without hesitation. "W-..What?" Hank asked. "Yep! This guy's might be busy but that's okay! At least your not doing anything I think." She said to him. Hank was really confused but didn't care at the same time. A while later, Deimos and Sanford went home. Hank stayed with Ryeyumi.

December 25, 20XX
Sanford's/Deimos's house
Third person POV

Sanford and Deimos where sitting on the couch, watching some TV when Sanford asked Deimos something: "Deimos, I don't think we are crazy anymore." "What?" Deimos asked. "You haven't talked to yourself in a few days and I haven't had any of those dreams in a while, I think the craziness I guess is over." Sanford replied. "Maybe San, maybe." Deimos said. "Oh and by the way did you hear about some missing girls?" Sanford asked. "Stop man, just stop." Deimos said. "Fine! I'm just saying. A couple years back-" "Shut up Ford!"

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