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OKAY! happy Easter everyone! This is a bit late because I was out of town for a while and didn't have time to write this so I hope you enjoy this for Easter!! Enjoy! And sorry for it being so short

Nevada streets
October 31 20XX
Ryeyumi POV

It's Halloween! First holiday in Nevada. I'm so excited! I'm waiting for the boys to get here. It's still the afternoon so we have time to get our costumes I think? I see something in something in the distance. Is that a clown? "Hey! Clown!" I yelled. The clown didn't notice me yelling. Have I seen it before? I walk over to the clown. "Hey uh nice costume." I told him. It quickly turned its head to face me. "It's not costume ma'am." It told me. Wait, I've seen this person before I just don't remember where though. Hank told me about a clown before. "I've seen you before clown. What's your name?" I asked. "Call me Tricky the clown! Hehehehehehe..." The clown was weird-looking to me. It was kinda some sort of zombie or something? I felt something on my shoulder. I turned around and...Hank? "Hank? What are you doing?" I asked. He didn't do anything. He looked at the clown and the clown looked at him. "Well well well Hank! We meet again. How's the gang? Oh wait- you can't speak! Hahahaha!" The clown said. Hank grabbed my hand and walked away and so I followed him. He must hate that clown? Went back to the place I was and waited for a while. 5 minutes in and we still wait for the boys. "So.....whats up?" I asked Hank. He looked at me and pat my head. "Hahaha! same." After a while the guys finally came. I was surprise that 2BDammed was here too. Probably just to keep the boys safe maybe. "Sooooo what are we gonna be today?" Deimos started. "I got some ideas!" Sanford replied. "Stupid ideas." 2BDammed said. Sanford hit him in the shoulder and Deimos laughed. Hank looked at the two and they stopped. Hank is VERY scary not just because of his size.....Anyway! We walked back to my house and I took out a box. "Whats in there?" Sanford asked. "A sewing machine. How will we make the costumes?" I told them. They looked at each other and shrugged. I found some material and hooked up my sewing machine and said "Lets get started!" 


----------------------------------------AFTER MAKING THE COSTUMES----------------------------------------------


It took us 2 hours to make his costumes! very VERY detailed costumes. I made Sanford a ghost, Deimos a-.....a unicorn, Hank Micheal Myers(but not the mask. He has his own mask he wears all the time!), and me a cat. 2BDammed didn't want to be anyone so I didn't make one for him. "LETS GO!" Deimos yelled. "dude, we have atleast 1 more hour don't yell!" Sanford replied. Hank nodded in agreement. "so now what?" I asked. "Mario kart?" Deimos asked. "Sure!" And so for the next few minutes we played Mario kart. "Yes! I beat you again!" Sanford shouted. "Fuck! I Hate you so much." 2BDammed said. Hank pointed at the clock. It was 10:00. "Guys its 10. Get your costumes on. we are going trrick-or-treatin.". We got our costumes on and went outside. Though 2BDamned stayed home. As we walked some jerks. "Ha! Nice costume you baby's!" One of them said. "Just because I'm a unicorn, doesn't mean your still kids." Deimos replied. Sanford busted out laughing and so did I! Hank just looked at the two guys and they ran off. "Haha..what weridos am I right?" Sanford said. We all nodded and Hank pointed to some houses. We went to some of the houses and some of them didn't care that we where adults and some did. But we still got candy from every house! After that we went to a pet shop? Why did we go there- oh yea...Deimos and Sanford wanted to look at dogs. I honestly don't like dogs but that's my opinion (but they are cute). Deimos ran up to one glass box with puppies in..pumpkin costumes? How cute! But after an hour...we got back.....with a dog. Plushie! Not an actual dog a dog plushie. After a talk about stuff they all left for the night. I got in a short shirt and shorts and laid in the couch. "Ahem." The heck? I sat up. "Captain? You can talk?" I said. But my cat wasn't anywhere. "Behind you." I turned around and jumped right off the couch! It was that auditor guy. "Did I scare you?" He asked. "H•LL YEA!" I yelled. "Am I not surprised." He replied. "You need some manners. I should teach you soon!" Auditor took a step back. Probably doesn't know what manners mean? "Of course I know what manners means. Do you take me for an idiot?" He said. I shaked my head. I can't keep the truth from him I guess? "What do you want?" I asked. "Oh your cat is outside on the fence-" "CAPTAIN!" I jumped up in my feet and ran out to save my cat. Once I got him down and came inside I said to the auditor: "your a meanie." He shurgged. I closed the door and sat on the couch. I slowly drifted off to sleep. But I kept waking up in the middle of the night. To...screaming? It wasn't from outside and the auditor was in the walls so...who was screaming?....

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