Sanford's dream

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Place: unknown
Date: unknown
Time: unknown
POV: Sanford

"Hello?" I called out.  I couldn't see anything but I could hear things. "Hello? Is anyone there?". No one responded. The sounds sounded like wind and trees blowing by. It smelt like cinnamon rolls. Why did it smell like cinnamon rolls? All of the sudden, I was on the ground. I saw grass, trees, and the blue sky. "Where am I?" I asked myself. Looked besides me to see a big building. Maybe someone there can help me. I walked up to this building, luckily it was unlocked. I walked inside to see posters of directions. Some of them where like, directions to some kinda liquid. Another one had directions to the place. I will need this I thought while taking it off the wall. The map I guess, had blocks and names and multiple numbers in each block. Some of the numbers where 9,10,32,36, and 84. They where mixed up. 32,36,84, and 10 where like they where next to each other but lines cut them off. All Though, 9 was far away from the other numbers. I walked all around this building but found no one. I found this room call 301A. I walked in to see a chair. like an electric chair I think but it didn't have the hat thing. I also saw computer screens on the wall and papers everywhere.  "That looks like the one in my dream!" I said. I walked over and I immediately jumped. "AAH!" I screamed. It heard me. "Oh...hello new friend! Who are are you? Where did you come from? And why are you wearing black glasses? That's really suspicious?" It said. I was nervous. I didn't know who they were. "Uh Sanford?" I said. "Well, nice to meet you new pal! I'm-...uh, I don't know who I am?" "What? What do you mean?" I asked. They looked at me. I could barely see their face. "What year is it?" "What?" "What year is it?". What year is it? I don't even know where I am?!. "Uh it's 20XX, why?". They looked shocked, as if they where just stabbed in the back with a knife. "It's been 4 years?! Oh my gosh, I knew it had to have been already a month so-" "wait, you have been in here for 4 years!" I was shocked. I have been locked in an area for a week twice but 4 years?! Man, I felt bad. "What is this place?" I asked them. "This is the exsprostiry (I didn't spell I wrong, it's just how it's spelt). Who knows how long this place has been here to be honest with ya". "D•mn, what's your name? You know mine I guess so?" I asked. "Well, M calles me subject 9 so that's my name. I think? I can't remember." I was concerned. Wait, subject 9? The map! I quickly grabbed the map at looked at the numbers on the paper. 10,36,84,32, and 9. The number 9 was by its self and this person subject 9 are by them selves. "Is this you?" I pointed at the lonely number on the map. "Yes I think? I don't remember a lot when I left this room." They told me. "Hey uh, can't you undo these? It kinda hurts" "I don't see the harm in doing so?". I began to untie this subject 9.  He started to touch his wrist then looked at me and smiled. "Well, you spared my life so I will protect you with my life" they said. That was weird but after that little comment we left the room. "Okay so we need to be careful if you wanna live, or did she already do it to you?" They asked. "Who? And this place looks pretty empty bud. I'm not sure if there would be anyone here" as soon as I said that, we heard the most highest blood-curdling scream. "Oh sh•t, we should go! Like now!" They grabbed my hand and we soon started to run in 3 directions. We soon stopped in a room full of pictures. "What happened?! Who screamed?!" I asked. "Nothing as important as keeping yourself alive" subject 9 said. "No! Who knows what happened to that person! We should go back and help them!" I protested. "No, trust me. It would get worst if we got involved." "What do you mean?" I asked. "I don't remember, but I heard that exact scream a long time ago. I think that made me get here." They told me. I wanted to go and see but they made a good point. "Don't forget me. Will you?" They asked confused. "I don't think I will 9" then after that. Everything went black.

The smell of cinnamon rolls was gone and replaced with taco seasoning. Wait a minute, taco seasoning? I finally saw a black ceiling I think? I was in a lot of pain. Why was I in pain? I got up made a grunting sound. "Where am I?" "Your in the car Ford" someone said. I looked ahead of me and saw Deimos and 2bdammed in the front seat of car. "Thank good that ball didn't hurt you to bad" Deimos said to me. "Wait, I was just in a room..." It felt real but they told me that it was just a dream. The ropes and the cold floor felt real. The cinnamon roll smell was SO real! I know it it was real. Though I did keep 9's promise. I didn't forget them

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