the blackness in the shadows

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Okay so I have decided to do something with the chapters. It's just the background information. And that's all at least I think? Well, anyway enjoy the chapter.

Somewhere in Nevada
Ryeyumi's POV
October 13 20XX
:The blackness in the shadows:

Something happened yesterday. And no it just wasn't the "incident" with Hank the other day. Well, I should explain exactly what happened yesterday, though I won't give to much information.

It stated that night. I was in the shower. I was humming to myself, some song I knew. I heard something from the other room. Like a tapping sound or something. "Hm? What's that sound?" I got out of the shower to check. Though I only had a towel on. I looked around my house but couldn't find anyone or anything. I shrugged, thinking it was was the window or captain waffles (my cat) walking and hit something. I went back to the bathroom to continue my shower. But when I got to the door, I heard it again. "Captain, that better not you." I warned them, if it was them. I looked a second time but still didn't find anything. Again I went back towards the bathroom. I heard the d•mn noise again. I ignored it this time and resumed my shower. Once I was done I got dressed and went to look for my cat. "Captain Waffles the second, what is your problem?" I said my my cat. He just meowed at me, like I didn't even say anything. "Fine, be a b•tch." I said while crossing my arms. I then picked them up because well, I just got out of the shower, maybe they could us a bath. Beside, he stinked. We went in the bathroom and he started to freak out. He hated baths! I got the water going at he sat at the door, meowing his head off. "Come on, it's just a bath." I rarely give him baths because he doesn't always get dirty. I walked over to him and picked him up. And at this point, he was screaming. It hurt my ears.i tried to put him the bath but he kept getting out. On the third try he finally stayed in. "Geez man, finally." I went to grab the soap but it wasn't there. Weird. I heard the tapping sound again, as if it was outside the room. I was scared. I went to the door and said "whose there? I have a full grown cat here that hates baths and will attack." I threatened. The tapping went faster. I went and grabbed my cat from the bath and slightly opened the door. I know this is weird and animal abuse, but I threw my cat. I heard a small yelp and my cat, meowing loudly. I peeked out of the bathroom to see something...very...very suspicious. And plane, black, figure. "Who the h•ll are you!" I screamed. From an angle, I could see my cat biting this figure. I should let it explain itself, for why it was in my house and what they wanted. I slowly walked over and grabbed my cat. The figure than disappeared. Crap I thought. "Thank you waffles for protecting I guess." I said to my cat friend. I just got a simple meow from him.


After his bath, I got a text from my Deimos friend. Haven't heard from him in awhile.

D: hey rye wyd

R: nothing, you might think I'm crazy but I found this weird black person in my house an hour ago I think.

D: so you believe now? I won't believe you till you believe

R: fine I believe you

D: ok then, I do

R: good

D: so what was this black figure you saw?

R: I couldn't really see it my cat was in the way

D: you have a cat?

R: yea, didn't know?

D: I haven't been to your house I think

R: yea your right

D: yea well baosidvwlspjslfpahdnalpdvlapsnslau

That's the end of our conversation. I didn't understand what the jiberish he wrote but maybe Sanford took it from him, thinking he was probably doing something bad. Welp, I was alone. No one to explain what happened. But I know it was real. I then began to hear that tapping sound. I looked and saw this black thing on the wall, as if someone painted black or something. "I know someone is there! Come out or something." I said."Please I need your help, only for I but I think." It said. I couldn't see anything. "Who are you? What do you want from me?" I questioned it. "Ugh, like I said, I'm hiding. Your question about who I am can be answered later." It said again. "Well, your in my house. My house. my rules." I told it. It mubbled for a second before saying anything. "Fine, if it's so important to your little useless mind. I am

The Auditor."

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