ford's secret is out

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Somewhere in Nevada
October 16, 20XX
Deimos POV
: Ford's secret is out:

This morning, Sanford was next to me. I had just woken up. Something is up. I get out of bed and go to see where Sanford is. I found him in the kitchen, not making breakfast but cutting himself (again). "Sanford! What did we agree on?" I shouted from the behind him. "S-sorry dei! I...needed too." He said, putting the blade on the counter. He started to rub the blood of his wrist but the blood keep going on his arm. I sighed. "I'll get the bandages." I said as I left to grab them. Once I came back, I gave him the bandages. He smiled at before put the bandages on with a few ouch's. I left him to bandage himself up to go and put something on because I only had some shorts on and a shirt. I go back in the room and I started to put on a shirt when ''pitch'' started talking. Bet someone is gonna come over. "Not now pitch." I said, annoyed at their comment. Even with your in counter with that purple glasses girl the other day~. "You know pitch? I should start calling you a b•tch instead." I joked as I put some pants on. I couldn't feel my hands for a second. Don't EVER call me a b•tch Deimos. You know better, right? I was kinda scared. "F•ck off." I said. I heard some knocks at the door. I go out there to answer the door. "I'll get it!" I said, rushing over to get the door. I opened the door to Doc and Hank. "Ah! Oh sh•t hank! You look scary without your mask. Holy sh•t!" I said. I know I have seen Hank without his mask before but it has been so long I kinda got use to the fact of him not being here. "Hey Deimos, Hank told me some stuff and I wanna see if it's true." Doc said. I looked at Hank, confused on what he told him. That when I realized, I texted him the other day about Sanford. "Hank! I told you to keep that between you and me!" I yelled. Hank shurgged. He did some hand gestures but I had no idea what he was doing. Sign language? Ha! Clever. "Thanks for your information." Doc gave me a confused look. "Nevermind, come in I guess." They came in and me and Doc talked. I told him the truth but meanwhile I was angry with Hank. "So yea, that's the spill." I said. "Good, I'll talk to Sanford as well if need-be." Doc replied. Sanford walk in and was confused on what we where talking about but had his hands behind him. The blood probably is on his bandages by now. "Sanford, we need to talk. Deimos told Hank some stuff and he told me it and now we might need to take you to Phobos." Doc told him. Phobos? My brother? Why that dipsh•t? "Why phobos? I'm confused 2B." I said. "Phobos has started a therapy center and a few people have actually seen him. heard it's pretty good." Phobos. A therapist. I knew he always wanted to be one but never really thought it would come true. But, I didn't really trust him. But I do trust 2B. "Okay fine, let's chat then go." Sanford started to walk to us but collapsed onto the floor. I ran over to him. "Sanford, holy sh•t! Wake up." I yelled. I got no response. "Sanford!"

Sanford POV

I woke up, back in that place with the cinnamon smell. D•mnit I thought. I looked around. Did I forget something? It's been a few weeks since I have been here. Oh yea! I forgot about him! I looked around back couldn't find him. "9! ! You here? 9!-" I heard a noise, coming from another room. I walked towards it. Should I open it? I thought. I didn't think anything of it so I opened it. 9 fell out. I laughed. He started mubbling but i couldn't hear him. "Here, let me take that off ya pal." I said as I took the gag of him. "Thank God man! You know how long I've been in there? A day!" A day?! Buts it's been weeks. But, the timeline here is different so I can't say anything about that. "Can you untie me please? Again." I untie him and he gets up. "So, what's the plan boss?" He said. I didn't remember. "Let's look around. Maybe we might find something?" I said. He agreed and we went to the hallway. We walked down the hallway and found...prison cells. "What is this place 9?" I asked. "This is where 32, 36, 10, and 84 are." Where have I heard those numbers before? The map! I pulled out the map and saw the numbers. And we where at the place they where. A hand tried to grab us as we walk through them. I jumped seeing it. "Looks like you got another friend huh Dennis?" Something in the shadows said. "Why hello 84." We heard a little giggle come from a one farther than where we are. "Leave them alone 84! You know the rules." Said one of the people in the cells. They had a girls voice. Strange? "Let's go best pal." 9 grabbed my hand and we walked through the hallway. A bang was heard behind us. We both looked behind us and saw that one of them escaped. It was 84 I think. "Sanford, go." "What?" "Go I say!" 9 pushed me in some area. I got up and tried to grab my hook but I didn't have it. I go to 9 but he closed a door on me. He locked it! "9! Unlock this door!" I yelled but he didn't listen. "Please forgive me best pal." Then everything went black...

Somewhere in Nevada
October 16, 20XX
Sanford's POV

I gasped. "That son of a b•tch!" I yelled. Someone hugged me. It was Deimos. Thank God I'm back! "I thought you died d•mnit!" Deimos yelled. "You should bandage yourself better next time Sanford. Don't want Deimos to worry about you to much, do you?" It was 2B. "H-hey 2B! What's up?" I said. Hank waved. I waved back. "Sanford, we are taking you to Phobos. No ifs ands or buts Sanford." Oh yea! I heard Phobos is a therapist now- oh wait. That's bad. F•ck!

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