is he okay?

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Deimos's and Sanford's house
November 11 20XX 
Sanford's POV
: is he okay?:

"Who is gone?" Rye asked. "D....D..." He managed to say. "D what? Deimos? Is it Deimos?" I asked. Hank shook his head. "Doc?" Ryeyumi asked. Hank nodded. "Hey, how do you know his nickname is Doc?" I asked her. "Aud- I mean, he told me!" She said. Hank knew she was gonna say ''Auditor'' but he didn't do anything. "H-h...he....m-made me.....t-talk," Hank said. "Who? The Auditor? You're making it up! He is dead and the both of us know it." I told him, hopefully, he didn't know already. But he did know. "I.......s-saw.........him," he said. "Oh, so you know?" Rye asked. He nodded. Rye and I looked at each other then looked at Hank. "Do you know where he is?" I asked again. "L-lost..." Hank said to us. "Lost where?" I asked. "In the upside-down." Ryeyumi joked. I gasped. "You watch Stranger Things too?!" I yelled. She grinned and nodded at the same time. Hank pointed out the window. We were confused. Just then the door flew open wide. It was Deimos! "Yo! Doc's missing. Have you seen him?" He said. The three of us shook our heads. "But we do have something! Hank say something." Ryeyumi said. "Potato...c-chip?" He struggled to say. Deimos gasped. "Did she have her babies?!" I asked. Ryeyumi was confused. To tell you all this, Hank was the first one of us, minus Rye, to get a pet. When we got an animal we lost him on a mission. But Hank had been taking care of a cat named Potato chip. The cat liked them so that's how they got their name. But they got pregnant a while ago and we are still waiting on the babies to come. "Hank has a cat too," I told her. "No wonder he likes captain waffles!" She laughed. "1. Did she like really did she have her babies? 2. Holy sh•t Hank can speak!- no but did she?" He said. Hank shook his head. "NOOOOOO!" Deimos cried. "Well besides the cat, we need to focus on the task at hand. Where did we see 2B last?" I said. "I saw him sitting on the sidewalk the other day. Don't know why?" Rye said. "C.....cemetery," Hank said. "I was just with him, we talked then I dragged him here but he said he had to go to his house so later I went over there and he wasn't there and a note was there saying he went to Sheriff's house so I went there and he wasn't there!" Deimos claimed. "I haven't seen him in a few days honestly," I said. "Should we go look for him?" Hank hit Deimos upside the head. "Of course we are!" Ryeyumi said. "What do you think we were gonna do? Just leave him?" I protested. "Yes." Deimos joked. Hank gave Deimos a death stare. "But where would we look? That's the point." Ryeyumi said. She did have a point, where would we look? "Hank said he was lost or something, where would you get lost in?" I asked. "Malls, arcades, I did get lost in that A.A.H.W building once!" Deimos said. "So big places?" Ryeyumi asked. "Yep, but we need to split up. We can cover more ground that way." I stated. We all agreed and left the house. Ryeyumi went with me and Deimos went with Hank. Rye and I looked in places like the local stores and shops. We asked some people like Sheriff or JeBus if they had seen him but all we got was a ''no''.

————time skip————
————2 hours—————

We finally met up near the forest. "Have you guys seen anything?" I asked. They both shook their heads. Ryeyumi looked worried. "Don't worry Rye, we'll find him," Deimos said. "I hope so." I looked up ahead. "We could always look in the forest?" I said. Deimos looked at me as if I was crazy. "Are you crazy?! The forest is WAY too dangerous! Even for us!" He said. "But what if he was in there Deimos! He could be hurt or something!" Rye said to him. He looked away from her. "C-come on....D-Deimos," Hank told him. "Ffffffine." He finally said. We all started walking towards the forest. "Do you think he is okay?" Rye said. "If you go in there, there's no way you can come back uninjured." Deimos joked. "If your not careful," I said. She looked a bit calmer. We finally made it near it and Deimos walked in. We decided it was safe and followed him. We all looked around but didn't see anything. We then heard a little scream from the distance. Ryeyumi started running towards the sound but none of us ran after her. "Rye!" I yelled to her. She didn't listen. I grabbed Deimos's hand and started running after her. Hank followed us. We then lost sight of her. "Where did she go?" I said. Deimos shrugged. We looked around but didn't see her. "Rye!" Deimos called out, but no response. "I told her to be careful," I said. we started walking again. Where could she be? This place can be scary but even in the afternoon, you never know what can jump at you. "Guys! Over here!" It was Rye! Thank goodness she wasn't hurt. we followed her voice till we stumbled upon some trees. Doc was there! And so was Rye. He was patching up her arm. "First of all: Doc you're okay!- are you okay? is he okay?" Deimos said. "I'm fine you idiot. She isn't." He had a little scratch on his face but other than that he looked okay. "I learned that everytime Hank died, Doc here would appear and take him away or something like that. So I may have cut my arm just to find him!" Rye said. "So, we could have just killed Hank?" Deimos joked. Hank gave Deimos another death stare. "Uh, by the way Hank can talk now." I said. "I know, I had a talk with 'someone'" 2B said. We all gasped a little bit. "We might as well tell everyone he's alive." Deimos said. "If we tell everyone then Sheriff might kill us all!" Ryeyumi said. "If we tell everyone then JeBus might kill us all." I joked. Deimos laughed. Doc sighed. "Idiots."

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