Ma'am, I'm Going to Need Some Form of ID

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Even though it had been sunny not too long ago, the weather was really starting to pick up now

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Even though it had been sunny not too long ago, the weather was really starting to pick up now. Every time I walked outside to class, it seemed to always be raining or hailing. The cold Seattle wind blew constantly in everyone's faces, messing up their hair and ruffling paper masks. I constantly had to look down to make sure I wasn't stepping into any muddy puddles, and Red Square was completely flooded and unwalkable. 

I quickly realized that I would probably not be able to get much use out of my pink Uggs, even if I invested in a waterproof coating. Instead, they stayed in my closet, where they mostly just gathered dust. I did take them out and take a few photos with them on to post on Instagram, but I never ventured outside of my apartment with them on.

 I did take them out and take a few photos with them on to post on Instagram, but I never ventured outside of my apartment with them on

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Instead of working at the Starbucks on the Ave, I started working at the on-campus Starbucks in Suzzallo. The clientele was definitely a bit crazier, and I developed a habit of obsessively washing/sanitizing my hands after handling credit cards all day. I also felt more pressure to complete orders quicker, given how the line usually stretched all the way across the room at lunchtime, but at least I had slightly more room to move around and it was much closer to all of my classes.

One guy in particular had started to give me a bit trouble though. I assumed his name was Jason, based on the fact that was the name he usually gave me. Whenever I saw him, I would immediately pretend to start working on something else secretly pray for someone else to take over the cashier. No matter what I did, he always seemed to have it in for me; complaining that I got his order wrong, requesting that I readjust it, and rolling his eyes whenever I asked him what his order was. Eventually, I learned it by heart, but I still made him recite it to me, partially out of spite, and partially so I wouldn't get in trouble for not making exactly what he wanted.

One day, Jason brought his girlfriend with him. I asked her what she wanted; pumpkin spice latte, piece of cake. I turned to Jason, and was met with a furious stormcloud. I ignored this and calmly asked him what he'd like to order.

"Why'd you ask her first?" he asked, his tone incredibly passive aggressive.

I am not paid nearly enough for this.

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