Your Brother is Dead Because of You

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This was inspired by the ending of Disney's Frozen. Enjoy.

Legolas hacked away at the Orcs with his emergency sword. His bowstring had been cut and his knives broken. His brother, Elviondel, was on the other side of the clearing, also fighting the Orcs. They were greatly outnumbered and Legolas figured they wouldn't make it out of the fight. But these Orcs were clumsy, and the Princes of Mirkwood were two of the best fighters in Middle Earth. When the number was down to six, each Prince fighting three Orcs, Legolas heard his brother cry out. He finished off the Orc he was immediately fighting and turned toward where he knew his brother to be. He saw Elviondel fighting with one arm, hugging the other, which was wounded, to his chest.

Legolas swiftly beheaded the other two Orcs he was fighting and ran to help his brother. He killed one and began fighting the other. He saw Elviondel and the Orc stab each other and the same time and go down. Legolas stabbed the Orc he was fighting and shoved it away. The Orc didn't die, but Legolas had bought himself some time. He pulled Elviondel into his arms and held him as the light started to fade from his brother's eyes.

He's dying, Legolas inner voice said. Your brother is dead because of you.

Legolas fell onto his side, sobbing. Elviondel wasn't supposed to die. He was supposed to be happy. He was the captain of the guard. All of the sudden, Elviondel shot up and stabbed the Orc Legolas had wounded, which had tried to sneak up on the Crown Prince. Legolas head shot up as Elviondel started to fall.

"El!" Legolas cried, catching his younger brother in his arms.

Elviondel smiled up at his brother before his eyes closed. Legolas fell over his brother, sobbing.

No. No! No, no, no! Ai, Valar! You cannot do this to me!

Suddenly, a light shone from Elviondel's eyes. Legolas didn't notice the life coming back to his brother until Elviondel gasped for breath. Legolas sit up into a sitting position and helped his brother sit up.


Legolas and Elviondel embraced.

"Oh, El, I'm sorry," Legolas said through his tears.

"It's okay, Las," Elviondel said. "The Valar let me stay. You brought me back."

Legolas helped his brother stand and, together, they headed for home to report that the forest - at least that part of it - was now rid of Orcs.

~Thank you

A/N Alright, this one sucked. I know. But if one of you guys could help and give me some idea on how to improve Elviondel's return from the dead, I would be most grateful. ;)

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