This Is Not How You Pick Up Women

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Name: Ivy
Age: few years younger than Legolas
Race: Elf
Relationship: Guest in the Mirkwood house
Appearance: the girl version of Legolas basically
Scenario: A drunk elf tries to pick her up, and Legolas intervenes but a fight occurs


The evening was going well. At least, Legolas thought so. He wandered around the Grand Hall and looked for his friend, Ivy. He had time to spend with her now that all the formalities were dealt with. He finally spotted her in a corner of the room, talking to another Elf. Once Legolas got close enough, he could hear their conversation, and he could tell that the other Elf had had a little too much wine to drink.

"Aww, c'mon!" the other Elf slurred. "Just come outside with me for a moment."

"Please leave me alone," Ivy said, firmly. "I've already asked you to do so several times."

Legolas quickened his step.

"No," the Elf continued, getting closer to Ivy, "I know you're just playing hard too get."

Legolas pulled the Elf away from Ivy, "She has already asked you to leave her alone. I suggest you walk away."

The Elf turned to Legolas and glared at him in contempt, "And who are you to stop me?"

Legolas straightened, "I am your prince!"

"Oh? So you think you can just walk around and take other peoples' women? This'll teach you!"

The Elf tried to punch Legolas. When Legolas ducked, the other Elf kicked, trying to get Legolas in his face. But Legolas grabbed the leg and flipped the Elf onto his back. The Elf hit his head on the floor, and it angered him. He jumped back up and tried to tackle Legolas, but the prince moved out of the way and the Elf ran into the wall, knocking himself out.

Legolas turned to Ivy, "Sorry, I didn't mean for that to happen."

Ivy smiled, "It's fine. I'm glad he's not bothering me anymore."

Legolas held his arm out to her, "Would you care to accompany me for a walk in the gardens?"

Ivy linked her arm with his, "I would."

~Thank You

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