My Cousin, My Father

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Name: Salina Ralige

Race: Elf

Physical Appearance: tall, brown waist length hair, blue eyes, straight nose.

Relation to Legolas: Legolas' cousin -his mothers side

Favourite Weapon: short knifes or a long doublehanded sword

Pet: orphaned fox she found in the woods

Family: orphan; her parents and brother were killed in an Orc raid when she was little so Legolas is like a father to her.


I jumped through the trees, my cousin Legolas right behind me. He'd just gotten back from his journey with the Fellowship this past week and we were spending the day together. I knew he was going slow on purpose and was anticipating when he would pounce. I didn't anticipate enough. He caught me and we tumbled into our secret clearing.

"Ada (Dad)!" I cried as we landed. "That's not fair!"

Legolas immediately backed off, "Ada?"

I sat up, "Did I say that?"

"Yes. That's not the first time today, though."

"Oh," I felt my cheeks heating up. Eru, this was embarrassing.

"Why do you keep calling me 'Ada'?"

I took a deep breath. "When my family was killed in that Orc attack, you found and saved me. Since Uncle Thranduil was busy with duties and such you took care of me. I was little and now I'm grown. I guess you've just always been like a father to me."

Legolas just smiled and pulled me onto his lap for a hug. We sat there for a minute, just enjoying each other's company. Then Legolas pulled our picnic lunch from his pack. We'd wrapped up some salted pork and lambas, along with two flasks of some watered-down Dorwinion wine. We both knew that the water wouldn't do crap to the strength of the wine, but Uncle Thranduil had felt better about it.

After lunch we walked back to the palace. We were a little drunk, but we hadn't had that much wine and were still somewhat sober. That evening, after supper, Legolas had mostly recovered. But since female bodies are more susceptible to alcohol, I was not. Legolas carried me up to my room and put me to bed. He kissed me on the forehead.

"Good night, Salina. May you have sweet dreams," Legolas said.

I smiled and, through my groggy state, said,"Good night, Ada."

~Thank you.

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