It's Been a Year

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Long brown hair, Shorter than Legolas, but taller than most humans, emerald green eyes

She ran away, caught by legolas, and became his lover


"It's been a year."

Eanna looked up in surprise at the words. She had been sitting calmly in the Queen's Garden and enjoying the sounds and smells of the outdoors. It calmed her. The little half-smile she'd had turned into a grin as she saw who was approaching. 

"A year, my Prince?"

Legolas sat next to her on the bench, "Since I found you in the woods."

Eanna scoffed, "Since you caught me in the woods, you mean.

"I found you. I did not mean to catch you, I didn't even know you needed to be caught." He was grinning as well.

Eanna shrugged, "Well, I'm glad you did. I honestly didn't know where I would've gone or what I would've done."

"I did tell you we found him, didn't I?"

Eanna shuddered and nodded, "Yes. I don't think I ever really expressed my gratitude for that."


Eanna leaned in a kissed Legolas, as if it were the most natural way in the world to thank someone.

"Thank you, Prince Legolas," she murmured against his lips, "for catching me in the woods and locking away my tormentor."

Legolas kissed her back, "It was my pleasure, Lady Eanna."

Eanna chuckled, "Your father had not dubbed me as a Lady, yet."

Legolas sighed and held her hands, "He would if we told him about us."

"A year is too soon, Legolas. I am still nothing more to him than a small, human waif you wished to protect."

Legolas kissed her gently, "I will try to sway his mind."

"Given time, it will sway on its own."

Legolas gave a small, very un-princely, whine, "But I don't want to wait for you."

"Nor I for you," Eanna admitted. "But I would not have my King form a biased opinion of me with the information his son gives him. Let him gather the facts on his own." She kissed Legolas' cheek, "Please, darling?"

Legolas sighed, lightly, "If you so wish it."

"Thank you."

Legolas leaned in and Eanna granted him one more kiss.

~Thank you!

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