Home Again, Home Again

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Name: Amartya

Age: A few years younger than Legolas

Race: elf

Relationship To Legolas: Younger sister

Appearance: Long, frilly, dark brown hair with blond highlights. Bright blue eyes. Shorter than Legolas

Scenario: Was taken by orcs after the death of their mother and survived. And now is wandering around Mirkwood. One of the guards found her and brought her back home


"My Prince! My Prince!"

Legolas turned at the sound of someone calling his title. It was one of the palace guards. No. A guard-in-training. Legolas smiled at the young ellon.

"Yes? What is so urgent?"

"Prince Legolas," the ellon bowed, "I am sent with a message. The guard found someone of interest while they were on patrol today. They ask that you see her before they bring her before the king."

"Show me."

The ellon led Legolas down to the main entrance, where the patrol was standing with an elleth. Her hair was long and very curly. It was brown, but with a touch of blonde. Her face was sharp in shape, but soft around her eyes. Legolas stopped walking, suddenly hit with a memory of his mother . Her eyes were soft like that; her hair had been that shade of brown. And the other features were like that of his father.

"Legolas?" the elleth called. "Legolas, do you recognize me?"

Legolas took a few steps closer, "You cannot be my mother."

The elleth smiled and laughed, "No! Silly leafling!"

Legolas took a step back at the nickname. No one, no one, had ever called him that besides his sister. The elleth's smile disappeared when Legolas became defensive.



The elleth - Amartya - nodded, "Yes." Tears came to her eyes, "You remember!"

Legolas rushed forward and scooped Amartya up is arms. She buried her face in her older brother's neck and Legolas cried praises to the Valar along with the guards around him. When he finally saw fit to set his sister down, he held her hands in his own and looked her over.

"We thought the Orcs had killed you like they did mother. But... oh Amartya. You stand here dressed in practically rags, but you are the most beautiful young elleth I have ever laid eyes on! Father will be so glad; so proud. Come! We must see him."

Legolas led her through the hallways to the throne room, his thoughts jumbled but joyful.

All Amartya could so was take in her surroundings and think:

I'm home again.

Home again.

~Thank You

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