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Name: Silvia
Race: Elf
Age: Half of a thousand years older than Legolas
Relation to Legolas: Older sister
Appearance: Looks just like Legolas except her eyes are dark red
Scenario: Babysitting Legolas and trying to defend him from a pack of Goblins; nearly dies


I was young. Very young. Not quite twenty years old (ten, to human eyes). The world was still beautiful. Morgoth had been gone for thousands of years and none of his evil agents had been seen in the same amount of time. The Goblins and Orcs hid in the mountains, and they dared not attack the fairer races of Middle Earth. Well, usually. There had been a few incidents, but they were certainly not frequent; maybe a few hundred years in-between. Of course, I'd never thought I would personally witness one of these attacks. But here I was.

My sister, Silvia, and I were walking in the woods during a camping trip. It was Father, Silvia, and I. Along with a few guards. Elviondel was one of those guards, he was also a healer. And that was very handy. We had traveled close to the Misty Mountains, and that's where Silvia and I were walking - the base of the mountains. She had her battle-daggers with her, just in case.

She was so beautiful, my sister. Her hair and skin were the same color as mine, and our face shape and structure was very similar to that of Father. Once we grew up, many people mistook us for twins. But she was near five-hundred years older than I. Our only differences: she was female, she was older, and she had red eyes. It was a beautiful trait, really. She had inherited it from our mother. From a distance, they looked dark brown. But up close you could tell that they were a very dark red.

And that day, I almost watched my beautiful sister fade.

As we walked along the base of the mountains, we thought we saw something in one of the caves. We didn't pay it any mind, believing it to just be some sort of wild cat or dog. But is was a Goblin, and it attacked. I was too young to have any weapons, so Silvia tossed me into a tree while she fought off the Goblin. I watched, fascinated. I should have been terrified. But Silvia moved so fluidly that it reminded me of watching her dance and the parties that father often threw. That is, until the Goblin slashed her with his weapon. Silvia dropped to one knee. I nearly screamed.

The Goblin bent down, thinking it had won. But Silvia lashed out and cut off its head. I jumped out of the tree and ran over to her. She now laid on her side and clutched at the heavily bleeding wound across her stomach.

"Sil! Sil!"

"'Las! Go," Silvia ordered. "Go get Father and Elviondel."

"But, but Sil," tears fell down my cheeks, "Sil, you need help."

"And I need Elviondel if I am to receive help. Go!"

I needed to do what Silvia told me. I needed to get her help. I ran. I ran faster than I had ever run before. Camp wasn't that far away, but the fighting had been quiet and Silvia hadn't called out for help or in alarm. I immediately ran to Father and hurried to explain the situation. He ran to get Elviondel and they followed me back to where Silvia was. Elviondel quickly wrapped a cloth around her wound before carrying her back to camp.

I had to wait in my own tent until Father came and told me it was okay to go and see Silvia. She was awake, but she bandages covering her abdomen and chest. I ran up to her side and grabbed her larger hand in my smaller ones.

"Are you going to  be okay, Sil?"

She smiled at me, "I am, thanks to my baby brother. I love you, Legolas."

"I love you, too, Silvia."

~Thank You

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