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"Legolas, what are you doing?"

The thirty-year-old (3 to Men) had taken the end of his father's cape and pulled it around his shoulders like a cloak as he scanned the throne room, searching for... something.

"There are spiders, Ada," Legolas answered, innocently. "I'm trying to find them but my patrol has deserted me."

Thranduil smiled. "My patrol has deserted me" meant that Legolas' friends had been called home and they couldn't continue their game.

"You mean... these spiders?" Thranduil exclaimed, whirling around and catching his son in his arms.

Legolas squealed as Thranduil spun him around. The king then set his son down and proceeded to tickle the lad. Legolas screamed and laughed, to escape his father's quick fingers. Thranduil finally released his son and pulled the boy up into a hug.

"As much as I love playing with you, Legolas, it is time for you to take a nap."

Legolas didn't complain. In fact, he yawned. Thranduil carried the boy to his small room and tucked him in to his tiny bed. He kissed Legolas on the forehead and watched as the boy's eyes glazed over in Elven sleep.

"Sleep well, ion-nin."

~Thank you

Legolas One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now