Date Night

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There was a knock at the door, and Tauriel went to answer it. Of course, in the hall stood her boyfriend, Kili. She smiled and tried to hustle out the door.

"If we hurry he won't catch us," she whispered.

But they didn't get far down the hallway.

"Where do you think you two are running off to?" a voice boomed.

Tauriel groaned and turned around. There was Legolas, in the doorway. He was dressed as his father, hair pulled back, sweater around his shoulders, and a "crown" of berries around his head. He held a bottle of wine and a half-filled wine glass in his hands. He had somehow drawn large, fake eyebrows over his normal ones.

Tauriel pulled out her phone. This was going on Instagram, and she snapped a picture as soon as he started his rant.


" no overdoing the PDA. Am I clear?" Legolas finished.

His rant had taken about five minutes. Tauriel and Kili were both sufficiently annoyed and amused, so he let them go. He went into the bathroom and started to take off the eyebrows he'd drawn of with a black marker. He scrubbed for a few minutes, but they just wouldn't come off.

Legolas picked up the marker he'd used and looked it over. Sharpie.

"Oh frick."

~Thank you.

(Picture from cargsdoodles on tumblr. This is personally one of my favourites that they did in their modern au. Check it out!)

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