A Begetting Day

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Legolas loved his father's elk. The eighty-year-old boy (eight to human eyes) would often spend time in the stables just to watch the majestic creature. And it didn't go unnoticed. In fact, Thranduil always noticed, and always enjoyed the fact that Legolas was so fascinated with animals. So for Legolas' eighty-first begetting day, he had a plan.

"Ada, where are we going?" Legolas asked as Thranduil led him through Greenwood.

"A special clearing, ion-nin," Thranduil answered.

"What's so special about it?"

"You will see."

They walked on and soon, Legolas could see more sunshine around them. The trees were thinning, which meant they were going to come upon a clearing. Legolas held Thranduil's hand tighter in excitement as they approached the small plot of grass. As they walked out into the open, Legolas' eyes grew wide. Standing right in front of the two Elves were two elks. One was Thranduil's elk, and the other was a young calf. Legolas squealed and ran toward the calf to look it over.

"Oh Ada! It's so cute! Who's baby is it? It can't by your elk's, can it."

Thranduil smiled, "It's yours."

Legolas looked up in shock, "Mine?"

"Happy begetting day, Legolas."

Legolas squealed again, ran forward, and latched onto his father's legs.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ada!" Legolas rejoiced.

"You are most certainly welcome, Legolas."

Father and son rode back to their home together on their elks, and there was  a party in honor of Legolas' begetting day - to which the whole kingdom was invited. But Legolas snuck out to go to the stables. He settled himself in his elk's stall and wrapped his arms around the calf's neck.

"I am going to take the very best care of you. Just you wait."

~Thank you

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