Dear Valentine...

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Y/N and I had been avoiding each other. She and I did like each other, we knew that. But we were careful. I mean, Y/N is human. She and I don't want to get involved. But it's Valentine's day, something that has come up over the centuries and another thing that interests me about these modern times. It's a wonderful holiday and one that I've spent with several dames over the years. But Y/N is special, so I'm making her a Valentine's Day letter.


You were sitting in your kitchen, reading when as arrow whizzed past your head. You looked up and pulled the arrow from the wall and looked at the piece of paper attached. You looked at the front. It said "Dear Valentine, Read the other side. <3 Legolas". You turned over the paper and read the letter. He told you how much he loved you, and how you were different than all the other women he'd known over all his centuries on Earth.

You had no idea he would say anything like that. He was a man - Elf - of few words, though quite insightful. You didn't realize how much he really liked you, and this was great. You two had a date that night, and you were very much looking forward to telling how much you loved him back.

~Thank You

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