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Legolas walked into the salon

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Legolas walked into the salon. He was getting his hair done today for one of his father's big company events. He did enjoy this little place, even though it was so simple. "Laketown Styles" was nice and it had come highly recommended from his friends. He'd been going there for years now to get his hair done and his stylist, Bard, knew exactly what was happening this particular day. But that didn't mean he couldn't have some fun with Legolas.

Bard had nearly finished. He'd finished braiding Legolas' hair in the right places and was now combing the snags out of the hair that was left. He purposefully snagged a braid once or twice just for fun, making sure not to mess them up. And it was having the intended effect.

"Bard, could you watch the plaits, please?" Legolas said.

"I'm sorry, sir," Bard said. "Sorry, sir. Now, do you want this behind your ear? Or in front?"

"Yes. Behind." Legolas was starting to get a little annoyed. They did this every time, dammit! "How many times have I told you, Bard?"

"Very sorry, sir."


"Yes, sir."

"I don't care if all your customers from Lorien like it in front. I like it behind!"

"I know, Legolas!" Bard laughed, dropping the 'sir' he used to tease Legolas. "I am teasing."

Legolas huffed, "I know. That does not make it less annoying."

"My apologies. I will remember that for next time."

"You'll forget just like you forget how to do my hair."

Bard laughed again, "So what is the event this time?"

Legolas huffed, "Oh, it's awful. A business deal was just closed between my father and Galadriel. Haldir is going to be there and he will be insufferable. Did I tell you about last time when he...?"

~Thank You

A/N I couldn't fit six pictures on top, so I finally had a chance to use the inset setting. Yay! I hope it works! And I love writing diva Legolas, so this was definitely worth the first try with the pictures.

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