Children of the Elvenking

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Name: Itarille

Race: Elf

Age: (Not specified)

Relation to Legolas: Twin sister

Appearance:  Waist length, platinum blonde hair; blue eyes; 5'6"

Scenario: Joins the Fellowship; when Boromir questions her ability to fight she beats the crap out of him. She prefers hand-to-hand combat.


"And you have my skills, however you need them," Itarille offers Frodo.

Legolas smiles at her and she can't help but feel proud. She's small, for her kind, but she's been trained and she's glad she can contribute to this quest. She stands close to her brother, though. The Man from Gondor - Boromir - is giving her an odd look and it is unsettling to her.

Lord Elrond ends the council and the groups go their separate ways. Legolas and Itarille head off to the gardens so that he can speak with her privately.

"It's very brave of you to come on this quest with us, 'Tar," Legolas says. "I don't see why you can't come, but know that it will be hard."

She huffs fondly, "I know, but I can do it. I know I can!"

Legolas hugs her, "That's why I'm proud."

They walk around a bit longer, just enjoying Rivendell's beautiful gardens.

The day they are ready to leave, everyone is running around making sure they are ready and have said goodbye to anyone they might've needed to say goodbye to. The first night, as they're making camp, Itarille can feel Boromir giving her a weird look again - like he has been since the council. She spins around and meets his gaze with her own steely one.

"What, son of Gondor?" She continues at his - obviously fake - look of question. "You have been giving me odd looks since the council and I demand to know why."

Boromir is speechless for a moment before speaking his mind, "You are a woman, and you are small for your race. What skills could you possibly have that would be useful to us?"

She knows her face must be red - but it is from anger, not embarrassment. "Fight me."

He seems taken aback, "Pardon?"

"If you are not so confident in my abilities, let me prove them to you. Set down your weapons and fight me."

Boromir is quick to drop his sword. He'll prove her wrong. This is a man's quest, what possible help could a woman be?

Legolas stood off to the side with Aragorn, both of them trying not to laugh too much. Aragorn has seen Itarille fight before, and Legolas helped train her. They watched as, in the few rounds of sparring that occurred, Itarille took Boromir to the ground every. Single. Time.

Legolas  walked over after the sixth time and pulled Itarille off of their traveling companion.

"Enough, sister, I think he understands."

Legolas then helped Boromir up, both of them watching as Itarille stalked away.

"She is good," Boromir conceded.

Legolas grinned, "Never doubt the children of the Elvenking, my friend."

~Thank you.

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