Orc Attack

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Name: Lazatte Greenwood, but known as Lasie

Age: 2/3 of Legolas' age? Make the age six years younger than Legolas, in human eyes. Like if he's eighteen then she's twelve.

Race: Elf

Relationship: Third cousin/far relation somewhere along the line They are LIKE siblings. Very close, very, um, synchronized.

Apperance: Raven black hair halfway doen back, bangs. Dark eyes, about a head shorter than Legolas.

Senario: Ummmmm Some crazy dude runs into the hall and they're alone to defend the palace?


Lazatte and I looked nothing alike; many people would never even consider the fact that we might be related somehow. We were not blood relatives, but related by marriage. She was my mother's sister's husband's cousin. She had black hair and dark eyes, much unlike my family. But she had been orphaned and sent to live with us. Lazette was younger than I at the time she came to us. I was only a year away from reaching my majority, and Lazette was just over sixty. She took to me fast. And I to her. She was fun to be around. We trained together, learned together, and just generally spent most of our time otherwise together.

And we were spending time together when it happened.

We were on our way to the archery grounds. My father was away with the warriors and most of the guards to battle the dragon Smaug in Laketown. So there were no guards in this area of the castle. It was never heavily guarded anyway, since it was actually near the center of the palace.

Lazette and I already had our weapons with us, and we had to use them much earlier than we'd originally assumed.

An Orc suddenly burst through the wall and began to run in our direction.

"Lazie!" I cried, grabbing her and pulling her out of the way.

The Orc payed us no mind and ran into the palace.

"'Las? Should we...?"

"Lets go."

It took a lot of running around, but we finally found it in the Great Hall, terrorizing one of the women and children. Lazette was the first to pulled out an arrow and shoot the creature. It stuck in the soft flesh of his backside. He spun around and screamed at us; it charged.

I notched an arrow and shot it between the eyes. It dropped just as a few guards ran in to see what the commotion was. I faced them.

"Are there anymore running around?"

"No, Ernilin. This is the only one."

"Burn it."

They nodded and dragged the body away. I looked around and saw Lazatte taking care of a couple children that had been scratched by the Orc's claws. Once she was finished, I approached.

"You have good reflexes, Lazie," I complimented. "And a beautiful conscience."

She smiled up at me, "Thank you, 'Las."

"Let's go check out the wall and see how it got in."

"Right behind you."

~Thank You

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