A Red Sun Rises

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Legolas never woke up after sunrise. He loved watching the sun come up and he hated to miss it. This morning was no different. He stood on his patio with a cup of tea and watched as the sun climbed up over the trees. It was beautiful as always, but it was red. Legolas didn't like red sunrises as much. And he knew he would be getting a text message any moment, so he hurried to get ready to leave the house. He got dressed and packed a satchel with pain killers, massage oil, and some books. He was already heading out to his  car when the text came.

[Text Message received from T-Baby]

Baby, can you come over? It hurts.

Legolas smiled and sent a text back.

I'm on my way. Be there in a few minutes.

[Text Message sent to T-Baby]

Legolas got into his car and drove through town to his girlfriend's neighbourhood. He pulled up in her driveway and got out of his car. He knocked on her door and waited. The door opened soon, and his girlfriend stood on the other side, still in her pajamas.

"Hey, Tauriel," he greeted, hugging her.

Tauriel hugged back, "Thank you for coming, baby. It's especially bad this time. It woke me up."

Legolas went in and closed the door behind them, "Do you need me to help change the sheets?"

"No. I started getting sore last night and went to bed prepared," Tauriel informed, sitting on the couch and taking Legolas with her. "It was an especially painful cramp that woke me this morning."

Legolas kissed her forehead, "Have you taken anything?"

Tauriel nodded, "Yeah, but I only have about two doses left."

"Well then, it's a good thing I brought some over. How many bottles do you go through in a day?"

Tauriel slapped his arm, but they were both laughing.

Legolas stayed the rest of the day, making sure Tauriel was comfortable and occupied. He even helped her sleep that night by giving her a massage to dull the pain from the cramps. He stayed with her that night just in case. The next morning Tauriel woke up to the smell of breakfast. She stretched and walked out to the kitchen.

Legolas was cooking eggs and toast, which he finished and put it on two plates for Tauriel and himself. They ate mostly in silence before Legolas asked the question.

"Feeling better, Tauriel?"

She smiled, "Much better. The worst of it is over. It always hurts the most on the first day. Thank you for coming over."

"No problem. I'm glad to help you," Legolas smiled. "Keep the medicine. You'll have more use for it than I will."

Tauriel giggled, "Well, until you hurt yourself during practice again."

"Yeah, well. I guess I'll get some more before practice today then," Legolas laughed as he put his dishes in the dishwasher. He kissed Tauriel and hurried home to change before going out to buy more pain medicine.

~Thank You

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