Men? Women? Same Thing... Almost.

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Legolas was frustrated. What was it with people? Why did they always assume he was a female? He obviously didn't have breasts. He'd tried to grow facial hair, but it just never happened. Perhaps he should cut his hair? No, he liked it long. It suited his style. Besides, his father's hair was down to the man's waist and no one ever mistook Thranduil for a woman.

Legolas was out with his friends one night when it happened again. Some drunk guy at the bar had tried to hit on him calling him a "pretty lady" and "missus". He'd excused himself to the bathroom and hadn't come out until he was sure the guy wouldn't be waiting for him. When he made it back to the bar, he sat next to his friend Eowyn.

"Hey, Eowyn," Legolas began, picking his drink back up, "have you ever been mistaken for a man?"

"No." Eowyn giggled and joked back, "Have you?"

"No, it seems to be the opposite."

Eowyn smiled reassuringly and put her arm around her friend, "Don't worry. People do the same thing to my brother. And I have heard Elladan and Elrohir complain about it, too."

Legolas chuckled, "Yeah, they hate coming to the bar. They're afraid that some drunk guy will come up and hit on both of them."

Eowyn laughed loudly, "I remember that accident!"

"I still tease them about it sometimes," Legolas giggled.

Eowyn looked over her shoulder, "Wanna tease them about it even more?"


"They just walked in."

Legolas cackled gleefully and downed his cup, "Let's ignore them for a bit. I need to get at least buzzed before I do this."

Legolas and Eowyn drank some more and then Legolas went off to hit on two of his best friends. We wasn't really sure who would be more humiliated the next day: the twins or him!

~Thank You

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