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Thranduil sat on his throne, overseeing the celebration.

The ten-thousandth anniversary of Greenwood the Great was a joyous occasion indeed, and it was reflected in the happy faces and light steps of the Elves in the ballroom. Thranduil smiled as he watched them. It really was wonderful.

But he had yet to see his son.

Legolas was normally quite punctual, and so Thranduil became a bit suspicious. Not for long.

Legolas strode into the ballroom as of it was perfectly natural that he show up at that time. And because of his nonchalant attitude, no one payed him much attention. Not that  he minded. He quickly made his way up to his father and sat in a slightly smaller throne that had been placed next to his father's.

"I apologize for being late, Adar," Legolas said, privately. "I lost track of time."

Thranduil didn't mean to smile, he really didn't. But he couldn't help the smirk that formed on his lips, "And what was it that you were doing to make you so late?"

Legolas looked down at his hands, "I was... reading."

Thranduil raised an eyebrow, "Oh?"

Legolas smiled, "The Legends of the Valar."

Thranduil's eyes widened. He had read that book to Legolas every night when the prince was an elfling.

And in that moment, Thranduil didn't see his five-hundred-year-old son sitting next to him. He saw his sixteen-year-old son sitting next to him at Legolas' first celebration of Greenwood's anniversary. He almost didn't hear Legolas continue.

"I was feeling nostalgic, I guess." He looked up at his father, who seemed to be holding back tears. "Adar? Are you well?"

"Just feeling nostalgic, Legolas."

~Thank You

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