A First Time for Everything

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"It's okay, ion-nin."

"Don't let go, Ada!" Legolas cried.

"It's okay, ion-nin," Thranduil repeated. "I've got you."

Legolas had asked to learn how to climb trees. Thranduil was happy to teach the boy. But now that Legolas was actually climbing the bark - with help of course - he was beginning to get scared. What if he fell and his Ada couldn't catch him? What if his Ada let go? What if he made it up but couldn't get back down?

Thranduil was finally able to help Legolas get to a low branch and sit. Then, they moved up to the next branch and the next. With each branch, Legolas became more confident. He was becoming very good at climbing up, but halfway up the tree he began to doubt that he would be able to get back down. When Thranduil saw his son's discomfort return, he asked what was wrong.

"I don't think I'll be able to make it back down, Ada," Legolas sniffed.

Thranduil smiled warmly, "Don't worry, Legolas. I'll carry you down. But you'll learn to climb down tomorrow."

"But I won't have done that before!"

Thranduil chuckled, making Legolas smile a bit as well, "Just like today, little leaf, there is a first time for everything."

~Thank you

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