The Cat's Whisper Chapter 13; The Awakening of the Elements

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"So you arrived just in time Nomika." The fire spirit said.

"Welcome Nomika! I'm glad you're here" The water spirit said giggling.

"Let's have a party!"The lightning spirit said, shouting happily.

"I'm not in a mood lightning spirit. I'm just here to wake you up" Nomika said, tired.

"We ain't going to wake up. We're difficult to wake." The wind spirit replied.

"Especially me" the Earth spirit replied sadly.

"Is that so? How could I wake them up? Seriously, this is a pain in the back" Nomika said to herself.

She stared at them for a long time. Thinking for a way to wake them. 


"Aha! I should know their weakness" Nomika said to herself, proudly.

"What happened with you?" The wind spirit asked.

"Wind Spirit, Lightning Spirit, Water Spirit, Fire Spirit, Earth Spirit, please tell me" Nomika said.

There was a short pause...

"Tell what?" The five elements asked.

"Your weakness" Nomika replied.

"Lightning and Wind" The water spirit said.

"Earthland" The lightning spirit replied.

"Water and Wind" The fire spirit said.

"Water" The earthland spirit said.

"Probably Earth" The wind spirit said.

"Thanks for saying it to me" Nomika said.

Nomika took something from her pocket.

And Suddenly...

"Paper thread, please wake this elements of mine! Let me control them and for them to control me!" Nomika said.

Meanwhile at Asuza and Kurotatsu's place...

"She really is materialistic. What a brilliant girl Nomika is." Asuza said, praising Nomika.

"Yeah. I was shocked to know that she wasn't able to control the elements of hers. It would be a great help in combat." Kurotatsu replied.

"Combat? Don't tell me, you and your brother were fighting again?" Asuza asked.

"Yep. He wants to get Nomika's soul after sacrificing her life for mine" Kurotatsu said.

"So that's why you want to train her? To be able to save herself incase of danger? To be able to avoid your brother?" Asuza said.

"Yep" Kurotatsu said.

At Nomika's station...

"Paper thread, please wake this elements of mine! Let me control them and for them to control me!" Nomika said again.

There was a sudden sound of rustling wind. She felt floating in the air. Feeling the warmth of fire. Feeling the sting of lightning. Feeling the calm wave of the water. Last, feeling the stillness of earth.

After a while...

"Hey wake up!" Kurotatsu said, waking Nomika up.

Nomika woke up and felt a sudden burst of power in her whole body.

"You woke the spirits up. Good job doing it. We'll start the second mission tomorrow. Good Luck!" Kurotatsu said.

Nomika went to sleep and rested her body on the bed. Thinking nothing but light.

After a while...

12:00 midnight

"Hey there cutie pie! Long time no see after the ritual aye?" The voice said.

"Okay mister voice, what are you up to now?" Nomika asked, seriously.

"To warn you for tomorrow's mission" the voice said, devilishly.

"What about it?" Nomika asked, intrigued by the topic.

"He isn't the Kurotatsu you know Nomika. He's cold blooded this time. He will not save you from me." The voice said, grinning at Nomika.

"How do you know?" Nomika asked.

The voice wasn't heard. All she felt that she was being dragged down. After noticing it, she struggled so she could save herself. Meanwhile, the voice was laughing devilishly. 

After a while...

"Gaahhh!!" Nomika shouted.

Nomika suddenly stood up and realised that it was only a dream.

"What will be happening now? Is it true that Kurotatsu is already cold blooded?" she asked herself silently.

She heard a tiny voice. Explaining something. She cannot hear clearly a single word. Then Kurotatsu suddenly went there and withdraw his sword. Showing Nomika her light aura.

Kurotatsu was fast. Nomika cannot hold her eye-grip on Kurotatsu. She was then slashed by Kurotatsu's sword.

"What are you doing?!?! Are you out of your mind?" Nomika asked, holding her bleeding right shoulder.

Kurotatsu replied with a sigh and went again to Nomika. Pointing his sword at her. There was a sudden slash of blood.

Lighting the cave with dark blue aura.

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