The Cat's Whisper Chapter 28: Killing Spree

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Story so far.......

Nomika and Kurotatsu saw Aaron at their house well and alive. Aaron confessed his love for Nomika but refused. Aaron then protected Nomika from harm and died infront of his Heaven's Cry.  

[Nomika's View]

I really got bored so I turned on the television. Wait... What the....

--------News telecast------  

"Good morning to all! I'm Katie news caster for the day. There has been a killing spree in Rosemary St. And has already killed 50 people with 0 injuries. The SWAT and policemen are already on patrol within the vicinity of Crystal st., Summer st., Winter st., and Sketch st. This is Katie again news caster for 'day-to-day news' saying be careful and good morning."  

------End of news-----  

What the heck is happening? Killing spree in the daylight?  

"Mom! I think policemen and SWAT teams are........."


Where is that coming from?  


"What's happening out.....ASDFGHJKLQWERTYUIOP"

Fudge it Kurotatsu... Why do you have to cover my mouth?!?!?!?

"Shhhh.... Be quiet or we'll be caught"  

We heard foot steps.

More like a heavy boot (Not my mom's boots). Kuro-kun pulled me and we hid in the closet full of guns and ammo.

"Why do we have to hide Kuro-kun?"  

"Just be quiet!"


"He's using the stairs."

"Where's mom, Kurotatsu?"

"I'll tell you later."

"I want to know it now Kuro-kun!"

I kept on bugging Kurotatsu when he suddenly told me the truth.

"Ms. Takahaka is already dead Nomika! She died together with her friend, Maria."  

I was shocked. I lost another mother. I can't believe it. I can't stop crying. TT^TT.  

"Why does she have to die? Why does she.....ASDFGHJKL"

"Quiet, Nomika!" He said silently.

"But I can't..."

Kiiiiyyyyaaahhhh o=-3-=o.                            

He kissed me.  

"What was that suppose to mean?!?!" I suddenly slapped him.

"You couldn't shut up so I kissed you"

Niyah! So now you're telling me that it's my fault?!?!  

"Why is that your face is so red? Do you like me?"  

"Idiot, as if I will like you. Remember, you are my pet. My pet cat!"

"I think you like me XDD"  

"No! Let's get out now. We must discover something."  

We stepped out of the closet and suddenly I tripped....

"Ouch! Sorry"  

I realised that I was on top of Kurotatsu. I suddenly stood up and helped each other.                        



"Where will we begin?"          

"At the park ^_^"  

"You sure?"  

"Yeah. I always trust my instinct"    

We managed to sneak until the park. Then there we saw a black hole.  

The black hole suddenly engulfed us and we got through a very dark place.    

"*achoo* Where are we?" I spoke up

"I think we are at a devil's den" Kurotatsu replied

"You're right Kurotatsu" O......-----......O

Who the fudge was that?  

Is the voice a good one or a bad one? A traitor or not?

Tune in to the next chappie. 

The Cat's Whisper Chapter 29: Bloodline

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