Story A prologue

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It is a fair cloudy day in the town of Fair worth until what seem to be a transport truck of some kind that's from the state Juvenile Detention Center came into town most of the tell folks see that it's heading towards Fair worse Academy boarding school a school got have the reputation of high upbringing.

Once the transport got to the place one of the drivers of the Frack tar and brings out who seems to be going to attend at that school.

"Come on ms Artemis." Says who seem to be one of the school faculty members as she called Artemis and let her to the main building once she's in the Play Store to floor musty old school hall and is Autumn is went the Headmaster office where Headmaster Biff Borden is waiting for her.

"Ah Artemis," says Headmaster as Atremis take a seat in front of his desk  "good that you came but I'll cut to the chase since your folks are away with your father on business assignment and your mother and community service until parole hearing do to your little deep Bite at your last school you'll be spending your means you're here so don't want any funny business from you want to be accepted in society."

"And if I don't?" Asked Artemis to spite the Headmaster.

"Oh that barely happens," answers the Headmaster as he looked at his glass wall mounted display "let say those in the student council has a way of making troublemakers disappear."

Artemis find silly and even the Headmaster now that little scare tactic doesn't work on everyone and then says to her " you will be staying in the ghouls dorm and y'all start class once your uniform gets here by tomorrow."

Then once that's been said I missed left the office and she heads to the ghoul dorm building.

On her way over Artemis seize the other dorm buildings are more cleaner and classic because the ghoul dome building look like a caged prison.

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