Chapter 9B

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When Onyx got back to the school it had a mixed fallout from the school elections what's playing at everyone not main character roster is when she sees lost the Main Place are for VIPs.

Once Onyx caught up with her friends Sean got her up to speed Onyx was disgusted by morticia's abuse of power.

"How could she let these kinda things happen?" Asked Onyx after hearing all what had happened.

"That how it is now." Say Ren.

"Then I'll face her myself. " says Onyx since their no other way then head to where Morticia is in office she can gave her a piece of my mind.

"Morticia," Shouted Onyx when she got to the School president's office "we need to talk!"

Scentsy the urgency a phonics is visit what does she get out off her desk but a means of Defense on herself just in case

"So Onyx what being you here and mind if we take this outside?" Says Morticia as she and Onyx went out of the office.

"I'll get to the point," says Onyx "You turn the school into a prison!"

"Hey am not happy with these action myself but the students can't seem to behave like this inhuman since most of the teachers to rehab arrogance and negligence the result into a few shootings those that got involved with them are suspended to expelled." Says  Morticia Onyx wonder if they are all set up then says to Morticia "Did you forgot nor care that these are living thi-"

Then Onyx see what see to be a knife behind morticia's back from a nearby reflection.

"Well," says Morticia when she draw out her knife "Thir are those that you are what lead me to fixed the election and since Anteing is not here to be my scapegoat I'll have to put you down instead."

Thinking quickly Onyx Judo flip Morticia into Hinobix grid park and the battle is on.

-Battel start-

Onyx: Why draw that out for?

Morticia:As long as people look up to you instead of me the air to the Hinobix Kingdom what does a commoner like you have that I don't?

Onyx:Well I don't need any special privilege to get respect no use on the surf was on the road that gets in my way even if it means killing anyone that don't agree with me.

Morticia:Oh I don't need to kill you am going to have made example of due to you being Iceeda's kid.

Onyx:Iceeda is my legal guardian not my mom and the rumor a bus being silver is still behind us and it was because I once bought your old clothes last year for my first year and at the beginning Moses School took me for you because your somewhat absent for who knows what.

Morticia:That is still classified to you and everyone else.

10 what digit goes at Alaskan but then a black frog surrounds Onyx she gets away and head to where she now knows what's in the attraction where she left off that's not long till Morticia picks up onyx's Trail when she got out of the Fog.

Morticia: You are not getting away from me  that easily oh dark Fiend.

Once Onyx got back to the knights of power store attraction Chico's down the path she left off drop down to where passion music go and when I've got close to what seems to be the cave entry she felt what seems to be cold winter air and felt a bit of a chill butt heads in without hesitation but my tooth is not fond of winter Jennifer slowly approach the cave but when she at her closest a great blood came out of the cave blue Morticia of the Knights of the power still attraction and landed on her back.

Morticia:Ow ok did not sss that coming.

Then someone was shot into the air close to the park ceiling it got most of the best guest and test attention when they see Onyx in the armor of the ice Valkyrie upon Landing.

Morticia: How are you able to wear great grandmas Valkyrie armor?

Onyx:I have much question about this as you.

Morticia:That stone is of my family and those thing are...not to be toyed with by...rrr.

Then Morticia knife turning through sword encounters but Onyx deflected it with the ice lands but the battle is showing what is your physical limits that no one is meant to know Onyx has the opportunity she froze Morticia in a light block of ice heads back to school.

-Battel Over-

A few minutes later when Morticia is completely thawed out Donubi78 came on to the screen to see what going on and see Jonesy doing what she can to comforter her who she seemed to be having a seizure attack.

Donubi78; Is it really a seizure or is that just the surface of a situation?

As Morticia finally recovers and well storm off as Axel came into the screen.

Jonesy:Axel I it time we have a tall with our daughter...both our daughter's.

Donubi78:Did she said daughter in a plural?

What happened next turn the whole school upside down.

An few days later at the Headmistress office of Hinobix high Morticia and Onyx are waiting with Headmistress Beetelda Honeycomb Morticia's folks came in and once they did Jonesy shows documents. More than enough to prove that Morticia dragonfang and Onyx Shadowmist are.................sisters.

"So me and Morticia are Sisters and been separated as part of a peace treating and Iceeda is technically my great aunt." Says Onyx as she got done processing Olive this fall Morticia is annoyed that she submits older than her so on a technicality onyx can blow the whistle on her if she have any real credibility that is.

"Mrs.Honeycomb," Say King Axel Ironheart "the documents are confidential and the agreement is honored."

"And yet something like this will bite us in the end." Says Jonesy who is more embarrassed about keeping a lid on it until now.

"Well since it was in self defense so I will go easy on Onyx," says Ms. Honeycomb "And even if she currently does not have any credibility and Morticia wear everything I'm could put her in her place so what I'm proposing is this Hinobix brawl if Onyx's team of six with at least one adult in your team and if you win I have Morticia removed and shave time off with parole release if I'm good behavior."

"Which I will have." says Onyx.

"It in three months from now and your sentence is only for two weeks with parole release on good behavior what do for now." Says Mrs. Honeycomb and push the button under her desk in the hospital down a trapdoor that leads into the detention pets Fortune to something soft at the bottom waiting for her.

Upon Landing someone seems to be waiting for her.

"Welcome to the detention pit stranger," says the inmate as she help Onyx up "The name Jessie Jessie....Rico."

Ovalsan:Would you like to know more?

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