Chapter 4B

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On the weekend of the really want to show it is ready but those little aliens do to onyx's Rally where is open to the public once she sees the post on the school news site.

"I'll be yesterday's news if this keep up." Says Morticia in a concerned tone when her heart started to race reach for a fanny pack and take what seems to be a pill when no one is watching that is.

Only her friends know the truth and her campaign manager nosey people truth up it and if it ever gets out their whole way of life will fall like a house of cards.

"Morticia," says Anteing "I may have a solution if you're willing to do it that  is."

After hearing the proposal Morticia is simply reluctance to go through of it as long as no one gets hurt even if she does know who the target is.

"Your friendship with Onyx will only get in the way Morticia and I'll do whatever I can to make sure you win." Says Anteing and already have the planned could be the most cruel thing the school will ever see nor never will be again.

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