with life

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I feel angry with life
Like it's going nowhere and it's all my fault
I'm getting older and I feel wasted
Doing what I have to to get by
Just like I was in high school
I feel tired with life
Sleepy always even after I wake
Like no amount of sleeping will ever make me feel rested
But I don't ever want to wake up
I feel bored with life
Like nothing can ever hold my attention long enough
To make me feel something
And I can't focus when I should
Because everything's distracting me
All at once

I feel confused with life
Like I don't know where I should be going
Or what I should be doing
I don't have any answers that I need
And I have too many questions to be answered
I don't know anything
And I don't know what I need to do about it
About life
About everything all at once

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