the way of life

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We breathe the way we live
Second by second
One blurring into the next
Needed but not necessarily remembered in the scheme of things
But appreciated all the same

We live the way we lie
Carelessly and carefree
With ease mixed with fear
Wondering when the high will end
Leaving us in a pit of despair

We lie the way we preach
Explaining right from wrong
And the wrongs we let slip
Whining when we get caught
And mouthiness has to prove we know things
Words becoming mush from our lips

We preach the way we believe
Not to be rude
But to teach a person our views
As perhaps unwanted as they seem
Or invaluable as a whole
Inclusion is the ideal
Not perfected in execution

We believe the way we smile
Remembering the beauty of the world
The loveliness of it all
How the world going round
Really is a marvel of creation
And worthy of admiration

We smile the way we grow
Older and wiser as they say
Passing on wisdom to growing minds
For them to decipher and think
And remember that one time
When they felt important
Hearing a lesson disguised as a wise tale

We grow the way fear
Time slows down
And we've been riding the high for a long while
It's bound to end sometime
Because too much of a good thing isn't good at all

We fear the way we die
But it happens to everybody
It's a way of life
Natural and normal
Though sad and unfortunate
But it's something we need to come to terms with

And when we die
Whenever that may be
The inevitable question will always come to light
Was it really all worth it

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