broad plaid brimmer

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I bought a new hat the other day
But I don't know when I'll wear it

It's one of those brimmers you see Irish men wear
One with a name I'll never know
Fine red plaid
And comfortable to wear

I bought it for a dollar fifty
Because I fell in love with it
And felt I had the cash

I've tried it on
Gazing at my reflection from the comfort of my room
But I don't have the courage
To walk out of the house with it

I have insecurities of sorts
I suppose
My head's too big
Hair's too long
It feels too fancy
And others will think it's strange
And I don't have the confidence to tell them to stick it

Until I get the guts
The brimmer sits dangling
On a peg near the door
So I can see it when I leave
And so that one day
In a moment of pure surprise
I'll snag it as I pass
And walk too quickly to change my mind

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