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Help me
Shake away the life of this nightmare
It's got me in its clutches
Playing me like a violin
Moving me like a puppet
Controlling me like a hypnotist
I'm trapped in the world of this nightmare on the verge of a twisted dream
There's no saving me now

I'm scared I guess
I've aways been that way
Terrified of the unknown
Of the reckless and wild
But that's just because
It's a reflection of my soul
There's no saving me
But modern problems call for modern solutions
So instead of letting this nightmare drag me to hell
Why don't I hop on the bus
Pay the toll
And tolerate the ride
Whatever happens

It won't be all sunshine and rainbows
As they say
But at least
I won't feel completely hopeless

Let the devil use me
As his marionette
Let him twist every thought in my head
At least
I'll see it coming
And I won't be as scared

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