barking at a ghost

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The dog barks at ghosts
And her owners think she's crazy

She insists there's something there
Outside in the blowing snow
Over by the outdoor furnace
In the navy blue sky at six in the afternoon

Her owners look
And discover nothing
Except snow
And the burning fire inside the structure

The dog barks some more
Even when she's inside
She sits at the top of the stairs
Staring at the front door
Barking at some intruder
Nobody can see
She can't shake the feeling
Somebody's there
And it's somebody
She doesn't know

She goes to her owners when they call
Accept a treat in an attempt to calm her down
Then go back to the stairs
Stare at the door
And bark some more
Pacing and staring
Staring and barking
She can't shake the fear

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