queensway is vacant

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It's nine thirty five in the morning
And queensway is vacant
Ghost town streets
Not a single soul
Which is strange
For a street that's known never to sleep

Maybe it's tired
After all these years of nagging
And needed a day to recuperate and recover
It's tired of week long benders
And nightly coke fests
And walking all night in high heels and crusty makeup
It's tired of boozing in the middle of the crosswalk
Passing out on a bus stop bench
And being shaken awake and told to move
By overpaid cops
It's tired of the constant noise
The exhaust fumes of the city
And the repetition of stupid people
Calling them names for simply existing

After all
It deserves to sleep in from time to time
Take it easy
The uniforms and the suits will be down queensway's throat soon
No doubt
They always come back

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