past dreams

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I dream of a time I thought I was stressed and depressed but in comparison I wish I was there now & it just really hits me that I shed so many tears in that time of my life thinking it was the worst it was ever going to get & if I'd known it was going to get worse after that I probably would have been happier then & not as damaged as I feel I am now & even though I was a young sad teen I still think it went by too fast because I miss those days with a passion & even though I live in the past now by listening to older music & remembering those days I will never be able to go back & the thought alone gets me down & I wish there was another alternative but there isn't & it doesn't sit well with me but I can't do anything else about it so I guess I'll just keep thinking about it until the feeling passes which I hope will be soon because I don't like feeling this way

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